Saturday, November 2, 2019

Trump Support Banned

Asian Beauty Queen Who Was Stripped Of Her Crown For Supporting Trump Finds Flyers Calling Her A ‘WHITE SUPREMACIST’  by Wes Walker 10/24/19.
Source: CollegeFix
It’s not QUITE as stupid as denouncing Jewish people as ‘Nazis’, but it’s up there. Many of our regular readers will remember the name Kathy Zhu. She is the Trump supporter who won a beauty pageant but had it revoked because there were some pro-Trump postings on her social media account.

When told to take them down, she stuck to her guns and refused. It cost her a crown, but she did a great job of landing on her feet, and she’s now in the thick of Federal politics.

Her public stand has made her into a well-known name, and she’s collected some opposition in the process.

The University of Michigan student, a Chinese immigrant and loud booster of President Trump, told her 162,000 Twitter followers Tuesday morning that fliers had been posted around campus branding her a “white supremacist.”

The flier includes a face shot of Zhu wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat and making the “OK” sign, which the Anti-Defamation League claims was “falsely” turned into a “hate symbol” by 4chan users two years ago.

“Michigan, we have white supremacists on campus,” the flier reads. “They can be dangerous.” Below the photo of Zhu is an image apparently taken from the “Unite the Right” march at the University of Virginia in 2017.

“This is complete slander and incites violence towards me,” she tweeted. “Being a trump supporter does not make me a white supremacist. I’m also Asian if you [social justice warriors] can’t tell.”

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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