Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Global Warming ?…..Nope

Summer in Antarctica – An Epic Global Warming Failure
By Craig Andresen on December 30, 2013 at 5:20 am
You can tell and TELL liberals that shooting themselves in the foot isn’t a good idea but do they LISTEN???

Nope. Over and over again they seem hell bent on PROVING that a liberal can be led to knowledge but you can’t make them learn.
Case in point…For a week now, a gaggle of 74 liberal idiots have been stranded…On a ship…STUCK in the ANTARCTIC ICE…Waiting for rescue.

Why are they there??? TO RESEARCH…GLOBAL WARMING of course!!!!! They just had to SEE for themselves the effects of the MELTING POLAR ICE CAP.

Oh…We TOLD them they were mistaken. We TOLD them that global warming was a farce. WE TOLD THEM THEY WERE FULL OF CRAP…THE ICE WASN’T MELTING…THERE WAS NO MAN-MADE GLOBAL WARMING AND THAT…IN FACT…THERE WAS MORE POLAR ICE NOW THAN THERE HAD BEEN IN A CENTURY but…They just had to go down there and prove US wrong.
Well…There they are…A boatload of morons…Stuck in the ice with their provisions running low, waiting for somebody else to come to their rescue.

First, it was the Chinese icebreaker Xue Long or Snow Dragon, who tried to reach the Russian flagged ship of fools but, upon getting just 6 miles from the global warming idiots…They had to turn back due to the UNUSUALLY THICK ICE.
The FRENCH were going to give it a shot but…Turned back long before ever getting NEAR the stranded numb-nuts because they decided THEY couldn’t do any more than the Chinese.

Then, from Australia, Aurora Australis was trying to get closer but…THEY were battling the coldest environment on earth and had to turn back DUE TO THE EXTREME ICE AND A BLINDING BLIZZARD.  What makes this all the more funny is that…Right now…Down in Antarctica…IT’S SUMMER!!!!!
Here’s the pure GENIUS of all of this…These global warming buffoons went down there to UPDATE scientific measurements made by the an Australian expedition led by Douglas Mawson back in 1911. It was cold and icy in 1911 and…IT’S STILL COLD AND ICY TODAY!!!  In fact, maybe a history lesson on the Mawson expedition these nuts decided to retrace, is in order.

Back in 1911…After leaving their ship, the SY Aurora, Mawson and his companions became the victims of HORRIBLE Antarctic weather and one by one they died until only Mawson and 1 other, Mertz, remained alive.
They were forced to eat their sled dogs which, inadvertently, since he WAS a VEGETARIAN and, the sudden switch to a MEAT based diet replete with HUSKY DOG LIVERS too high in vitamin A for human consumption…LED TO MERTZ’S DEATH AFTER HE WENT MAD, CHEWED OFF ONE OF HIS OWN FINGERS…SUFFERING VIOLENT SEIZURES, FROST BITE, LOSS OF HAIR, HIS SKIN LITERALLY BLISTERING AND FALLING OFF AND…EXPLOSIVE DIARRHEA!!!

When Mawson finally reached the location where he had left his ship…the SY Aurora had to TURN AROUND and return to pick him up and was then…TRAPPED IN THE ICE forcing them to remain ANOTHER YEAR before they could get the hell out of the Antarctic!!!
Given all of THAT…THESE 74 total believers in the global warming apocalypse…Set off to RETRACE the MAWSON expedition and in that respect…THEIR FAILURE IS A COMPLETE SUCCESS!!!!!

We can try to imagine their shock upon the discovery that, while on a global warming expedition, they became stuck in the Antarctic ice but…Why imagine when we have the words of Alok Jha, a blogger aboard the ship, to explain the situation FOR us.
“Antarctica is not just cold, windy and wet. It is the extreme of all those things. Leave a hole in your armor – a glove not tucked into a sleeve, a gap around your neck where you forgot your scarf – and the weather will find and punish you fast. The cold starts off as stabbing, then it sears the skin and eventually sends the nerve-endings into a symphony of confusion. I took a glove off to type an email outside at one point and, after my fingers turned white and I lost the ability to move them, I swear they felt hot. Painful, boiling hot, as though I had just plunged them into a cup of coffee.”

That alone should answer your questions regarding why this bunch of doofuses doesn’t hike to the rescue boats even though they can see them just 6 miles away.

Let’s put it this way…There are an ever growing number of people in the world who shouldn’t be allowed to walk from their couch to their fridge without wearing a helmet and being guided by Sherpas with a certified EMS provider on standby and…74 OF THEM ARE ON THAT SHIP!!!!
How any of them managed to get out of the Liberal Home for the Mentally Challenged without being detected or injuring themselves with the doorknob is beyond comprehension.

Now…It seems the only hope of rescue is going to be a HELICOPTER EVACUATION which will have to wait until the snow and high winds die down however…
When it comes to things such as this, I, for one, am of the same mind as I am in regards to those who find themselves imprisoned while sightseeing in North Korea or hiking in Iran…

Every and, I mean EVERY option MUST be considered to devise a plan resulting in them BEING LEFT IN THE PREDICAMENT IN WHICH THEY CREATED DUE TO THEIR OWN ABJECT STUPIDITY!!! Maybe more so with this bunch who seems to be as smart as a box of hair.
Why should others risk life and limb to rescue a boat full of global warming nuts stuck in the Antarctic ice especially when, if there is even a snowball’s chance in hell that they’re right…They should be out of there in no time thanks to the efforts of those with SUV’s and private jets…like Al Gore.

While they collectively contemplate how they are going to explain to the global warming zombies how, exactly, they managed to get stuck in the ICE…In the SUMMER leading to the need for an international rescue mission…
I would like to offer these global warming popsicles an idea for their next adventure and, one where there is very little chance of a mishap requiring others to put their lives on the line to get them out of trouble.

Perhaps they should consider exploring the MIND-NUMBING SHALLOWNESS of their own gene pool. You can’t get a ship stuck in something that’s no deeper than your average petri dish.

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