Thursday, January 2, 2014

What is Progressivism?

William Green wrote: New York City's new Mayor, Sandinista Sympathizer and Communist Cuban Honeymooner Bill de Blasio has been speaking unapologetically about forcing Progressivsm upon my current city of residence, and helping foist it upon the rest of America.

Progressivism is an ideology. Largely Godless. That believes a very select few graduates of Progressive, largely but not exclusively Ivy League colleges and universities, know better than everyone else, and BEST what's best for the entire United States of America; that they and they alone can implement Progressive Paradise within America by expanding already BIG government, taxing the wealth and job creators and siphoning off large portions of their tax-dollars to enlarge and sustain themselves, transferring the rest to the poor, destitute, infirm or (disjunction, not conjunction) lazy; implementing universal healthcare that they largely control via "Death Panels;" staging mandatory education from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade that forces a Progressive-minded Common Core Curriculum taught mostly by Progressives upon every kid from about 4 years of age to 18, in preparation for college studies that will further their Progressive indoctrination and ready future generations to carry the torch for deceased Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, Chairman Mao, Franz Fanon (one of Obama's favorites), Rules for Radicals' Saul Alinsky, Harvard's Critical Race Theorist Derrick Bell (another Obama favorite), Barack Hussein Obama's own Kenyan father: Barack "100% Marginal Tax Bracket" Obama, Sr., and still extant Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers, Cloward and Piven, Rev. "God damn America" Jeremiah Wright, Sandinista Daniel Ortega, and Communist Cuba's Fidel Castro.

Whereas God says mankind is sinful and can only be redeemed and Jesus' perfection imputed by faith in the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, and obedience to our sinless Lord and Savior, the Christ, Marxists of every stripe and derivation say that mankind is perfectable by already perfect progressives who need but guide, educate, re-educate (think of the re-education camps and Killing Fields of Cambodia, Russia, China, Vietnam, etc.), and brainwash imperfect but perfectable wo/men to build and function within a Matrix-like Progressive Utopia ruled by the iron hand of a decree-issuing, ever BIGGER, Stronger and More Powerful Sovereign State -- the antithesis of our Declaration of Independence's Life, Liberty and unfettered by government pursuit of Happiness, and our Constitution's more perfect union Of, By, and For the people.

The 21st-century Democratic Party is NOT the Democratic Party of President John F. Kennedy, but a party increasingly tacking Left toward Marx, even as 21st-century Conservative and Libertarian leaders within the Republican Party are trying mightily to keep their Party and our Nation from being yanked toward Marxist Progressivism, and back toward Jeffersonian and Madisonian Liberty-loving Free-market pursuit of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The hallmarks of Progressivism are high taxation; a burgeoning welfare state that eventually implodes creating a power vacuum that Progressives rush in to occupy and rule from by fiat (Cloward and Piven); class warfare Marxist populism; filicidal mania with impunity; sacrilegiously solemnizing sodomic Holy Matrimony; Unequal Rights on the basis of race, gender and class; Nanny Statism (outlawing sugar, large softdrinks and horse-drawn carriages, etc.); Executive Branch usurpation of power from the other two separate but equal branches; porous if not Open Borders; antagonism toward our historical allies (Israel) and kowtowing to our historical enemies (Iran); making it not only possible but easy for non-eligible and sometimes illegal U.S. residents to vote; violation of 1st amendment speech and religious protections; copious spying and confiscations without warrants; and of course, infringement upon our precious 2nd amendment rights.

Refudiate Progressivism and re-embrace our Limited, Enumerated Powers, Constitutional Rule of Law Republic.

New York City Used To Be A Terrifying Place  In the past two decades, New York City's crime rate dropped drastically, making it one of the safest big cities in the country.
Source: New Georgia Republican Leadership for Principles above Politicians Posted by Caroline Talley. Reply to this email to comment on this post.



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