Thursday, September 11, 2014

Fighting ISIS

Some Things to Consider by Bruce Duncil
As we contemplate "The Speech" delivered last night that launched us into what has been described as (yet another) years'-long war in Iraq/Syria to come, it MAY be that an attack on US soil against the American people by IS - based on the fact that they've been given ample motive, means, and opportunity - has merely been /*delayed*/.
While this 13th anniversary of 9/11 is still young, a POSSIBLE delay of such an attack MIGHT be due more to POTUS's having placated IS than threatened it.  And it is important to note how much additional risk the American people are being brought under by our own government without IS 'firing a shot'.  If you liked what the USG did after the First 9-11, we may LOVE what it does after today. Enemies stand down when you do their work for them.  Consider this:
- Both IS and the FSA ('Free Syrian Army') seek the overthrow of Assad, an Obama/Clinton goal since 2008
(, a goal they failed to achieve repeatedly, even when they claimed that
Assad used chemical weapons against his own people.
- IS fights Assad alongside the FSA; so funding, equipping and training the latter strengthens the former as well, a goal of the rebels for years (never mind the gun-running through Benghazi).
- Once US jets are attacking targets inside Syria, there is no guarantee that Assad's forces won't be targeted, even if 'inadvertently'.
- Training and funding the Sunni fighters placates Saudi Arabia, the means by which the US Federal Reserve Note is retained as the global reserve currency, permitting unlimited QE.
- US military forces operating inside Syria provide yet another provocation of Russia to defend their ally, continuing to escalate the 'new cold war' between Washington and Moscow.
- Removal of Assad would solidify the Sunni Caliphate he began with overthrow of Mubarek, Ghadaffi, and Malaki, and by his funding Hamas.
- Establishment of a full Sunni Caliphate would put incredible pressure on Israel - not to mention the EU and US - to make unconscionable concessions.
And consider that these goals were furthered significantly last night when POTUS ...
- PROMISED to deliver war against IS, something many in congress and now a majority of Americans WANT.
- Determined to engage the 'international community' in battle, furthering subjugation of American sovereignty to the UN.
- Solidified his power beyond the Constitutional limits of his office  - to unilaterally engage in war, with or without congress.
- Dared his GOP adversaries to show their LACK of patriotism by NOT standing with him, granting him more power and money.
- Written himself ANOTHER blank check to fund military operations, PERMANENTLY establishing his position as 'Commander-in-Chief'.
- Distracted Americans from the fact that he has opened our borders completely and ignored vulnerabilities in our electric grid.
- Reinforced his CLAIM that the Islamic State is neither Islamic nor a State, further confusing the American people as to their goal of global jihad and the real threat.
If one assumes that the WH Occupier is a Sunni, and that his policies are heavily influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood with which he and Clinton have surrounded themselves, all these things make a lot more sense.
Source: Bruce Duncil, Sep 11, 2014 11:31 AM

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