Friday, September 26, 2014

Martial Law Exec Order 13603

On Friday, March 16, 2012 America ceased being a Republic and became a dictatorship in one swipe of a pen. That dark day Obama committed the boldest assault on America since the Revolutionary War—while Americans weren't looking.


 Barack Hussein Obama quietly gave himself the power to impose Martial Law, bypassing both the Constitution and Congress through Executive Order.


Executive Order No. 13603—Obama's National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order—gives Barack Hussein Obama unprecedented power to bring about socialism in America and create a regime so powerful, so vile, it is Soviet-like in nature.


Martial Law can and will happen whenever he chooses. It may happen one fateful night while we sleep—he can manufacture a crisis to make it happen.


And when it does, we will find ourselves waking up to a complete police state and news that Obama has declared himself supreme dictator over all the land.



All the pieces are quietly slithering into place to replace the U.S. Republic with a Socialist dictatorship under the U.N.   It’s all outlined in U.N. Agenda 21 and is hiding in plain sight.  The strategy for implementation is to quietly keep implementing unless citizens are raising hell about it.  The establishment of appointed, unelected regional governance under State Laws is the one we need to force our State Legislatures to repeal.  It eliminates this soviet-style governing structure.  We have seen the militarization of local police and we see the connection of this phenomenon to EO 13603. Every day we watch our liberty erode while the majority of our citizens stand by and say nothing.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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