Friday, September 26, 2014

Revisionist History Protest

Students Protest School Reeducation Policies, Rewriting U.S. History to Downplay Civil Disobedience
Posted on September 24, 2014 Written by
Stu­dents walk out of 5 Jef­fer­son County, Col­orado, schools in protest.
Fol­low­ing a teacher “sick out” that shut down two Den­ver area high schools, hun­dreds of stu­dents walked out of their class­rooms in protest Tues­day over a school board pro­posal to sup­pos­edly sup­port “patri­o­tism” and “respect for author­ity” but “down­play civil dis­obe­di­ence” in their his­tory curriculum.
Via Fox News: The school board pro­posal that trig­gered the walk­outs in Jef­fer­son County calls of instruc­tional mate­ri­als that present pos­i­tive aspects of the nation and its her­itage. It would estab­lish a com­mit­tee to reg­u­larly review texts and course plans, start­ing with Advanced Place­ment his­tory, to make sure mate­ri­als “pro­mote cit­i­zen­ship, patri­o­tism, essen­tials and ben­e­fits of the free-market sys­tem, respect for author­ity and respect for indi­vid­ual rights” and don’t “encour­age or con­done civil dis­or­der, social strike or dis­re­gard of the law.”
Jef­fer­son County stu­dents take to the streets for the third day.  Stu­dents orga­nized the mass protest via social media. Some car­ried signs that read, “His­tory wasn’t meant to be hid­den” and “You can’t change history.”
More than 300 Arvada, West stu­dents protest­ing school board actions. Fox quoted one 17-year-old stu­dent from Arvada, Col­orado who said, “I don’t think my edu­ca­tion should be cen­sored. We should be able to know what hap­pened in our past.” Good for them! At least they’re say­ing some­thing. At least these stu­dents and teach­ers aren’t just blindly bow­ing to a sys­tem that sounds like it came straight out of a George Orwell novel.  Is this how Amer­ica plans to finally brain­wash it’s youth into total submissiveness?
For a long time, the school sys­tem in this coun­try has been doing every­thing imag­in­able to down­play and dis­cour­age free, crit­i­cal thinking…but now the nation’s schools are going to openly edit his­tory by essen­tially omit­ting the acts of civil dis­obe­di­ence Amer­ica was, in so many ways, founded upon?  How long until the U.S. is design­ing all the lessons plans directly from those out of Com­mu­nist China or North Korea?
As a pub­lic school stu­dent who later went on to com­plete mul­ti­ple col­lege degrees, I remem­ber I never once ever heard any­thing through­out all my years of edu­ca­tion about the fact that Pres­i­dent Roo­sevelt signed an exec­u­tive order allow­ing our gov­ern­ment to lit­er­ally intern over 125,000 Japan­ese Amer­i­cans into camps dur­ing World War II for the “crime” of being Japan­ese. This is despite hav­ing taken a class on his­tory in col­lege that involved a spe­cial unit on World War II! I still was never told that our gov­ern­ment forced Japan­ese Amer­i­cans into camps.
If I had not done my own research, and if instead I deferred all of my knowl­edge to only what I received in school, I guess I may never have even known that our gov­ern­ment could be capa­ble of such a thing…something many Amer­i­cans today seem to blindly believe regard­less of the fact that it has already hap­pened before.
Can you imag­ine what is going to become of school chil­dren — our nation’s future — a few decades from now after schools have com­pletely erased civil dis­obe­di­ence from the his­tory books?
“He who con­trols the past con­trols the future. He who con­trols the present con­trols the past.”
― George Orwell, 1984
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