The climate-change movement is being rocked by another major
ethical scandal that journalists and some climate scientists say could serve to
expose the movement as “one of the greatest scientific scandals of all time.”
The latest blow against the credibility of the of those
demanding urgent, sweeping political change in response to human activity
allegedly threatening the sustainability of earth appeared in Saturday’s
edition of the London Daily Telegraph. Columnist Christopher Booker cites the
work of Paul Homewood on his “Not A Lot of People Know That” climate blog.
Two weeks earlier, Booker noted that
Homewood compared the original temperatures recorded at weather
stations in Paraguay over a 60-year period with the numbers now being used in
climate reports.
“In each instance, the actual trend of 60 years of data had
been dramatically reversed, so that a cooling trend was changed to one that
showed a marked warming,” wrote Booker.
In the new piece, Booker reports on Homewood’s research into
the original and revised data at many other South American weather stations. “In
each case he found the same suspicious one-way ‘adjustments,’” reported
According to Booker, Homewood is now studying similar data
from arctic stations from Canada to Siberia. “Again, in nearly every case, the
same one-way adjustments have been made, to show warming up to 1 degree C or
more higher than was indicated by the data that was actually recorded,” he
Homewood’s research shows a consistent changing of
temperature data and always in a way that makes it appear the earth is growing
warmer. Moreover, these changes were not made by obscure organizations. They
were done through the U.S. government’s Global Historical Climate Network.
Additional responsibility lies with the Goddard Institute for Space
Studies and the National Climate Data Center.
Climate scientists who do not buy into the global analysis
on climate change say this manipulation is a devastating indictment of the
“It’s enormously significant because the whole thrust of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is supposedly the
official source of climate change data, have been saying that currently it is
warmer than it has ever been in the historic record or the instrumental
record,” said Tim Ball, a former professor of climatology and author of “The
Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science.”
Ball said while Homewood’s discoveries does not amount to
breaking news, the reporting by the Telegraph is monumental.
“There’s nothing new about this, other than that it’s
finally got into the mainstream media, but only into the conservative
mainstream media because the Telegraph is a conservative newspaper in Britain,”
Ball explained.
Ball elaborated on the temperature fudging that he says has
been happening for quite a while. “This adjustment of the historic record has
been going on for a very long time,” he said. “It started with the elimination
of a period known as the Medieval Warm Period a thousand years ago, when it was
warmer than today.”
Nonetheless, he said Homewood has uncovered valuable
evidence of a massive scientific and political con job. “What is now being
disclosed by Homewood, but has been disclosed by others long before this, is
that they are adjusting the modern instrumental temperature record so that the
older records appear colder than they actually were,” Ball said. “What that
does is that it changed the gradient or slope of the temperature increase,
making it look like the warming is much greater than it actually is. So this is
what’s going on.” Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Tim Ball:
said the scientific history of events like the Medieval Warm Period is a major
problem for activists looking to convince people that human industrial activity
over the past few hundred years is responsible for record-high temperatures.
So, he said, they’ve determined to rewrite history. “They’ve got to keep
saying, ‘Oh no, it’s warmer now than it’s ever been,’ Ball said. “So anything
that suggests it was warmer in the past must be eliminated. So they created the
infamous ‘hockey stick,’ which essentially rewrote the historic record.”
Homewood’s research and Booker’s reporting have the
potential of making this the biggest scandal since the revealed emails from the
Climate Research Unit at East Anglia, in which climate scientists allegedly
admitted to manipulating data to reach preferred conclusions. Ball said this
new potential scandal could actually be bigger. He said most people couldn’t
decipher the contents of the emails very easily, but the temperature changes
are a very different story.
“This kind of thing is much more clear,” he said. “When you
start changing numbers and you can show that it’s clearly deliberate and it’s
clearly all in one direction … this is much more understandable to the public.”
Ball expects even more evidence of unethical science to be revealed before
“It isn’t just that they lowered the historic temperature,”
he said. “They also reduced the number of stations that they were using to
determine the global temperature. They argued that in vast areas, where you
only have one or two stations, that one station was representative of the
temperature in a 1,200 kilometer radius. I mean it’s absolutely outrageous what
they’ve done.”
But far from deflating the climate-change movement, Ball
said revelations like the ones from Homewood will only intensify efforts to
enact sweeping policy changes in the U.S. and beyond.
“Look for a cover-up because there’s huge volumes of money
involved,” he said. “There are political implications with this [and] with
Obama with climate change as the key thing. Now they’ve got the pope involved
in it. So there will be a scramble to counteract this. I mean a real vigorous
So how will climate-change activists fight back against
these revelations? Ball expects the same tactics he’s witnessed through the decades
in this debate.
“They tell lies,” he said. “They come out and say severe
weather has increased when it hasn’t. They say that the temperature is
continuing to increase when it hasn’t. They just tell lies about it, and that’s
what’s going on. Of course, as everybody knows, it’s not the original crime
that gets you in trouble. It’s the cover-up.”
“Once the cover-up is exposed, you’re done,” Ball said. At
the end of his column in Saturday’s Telegraph, Booker says, “This really does
begin to look like one of the greatest scientific scandals of all time.”
Ball agrees. “I do think this is the greatest deception in
history, as I say in my book. There have been scandals in history, but they’ve
been regional or they’ve only impacted certain areas. This whole climate thing
has had a global impact on energy and government policies around the world,” he
said. “So it really is the biggest deception in history. There’s so much money
and so many political careers riding on this that it’s going to be a battle royale.”
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