A shocking report from the British government has concluded
that a borough council in the city of Rotherham was “not fit for purpose”
because it apparently covered up years of assaults by Muslim Pakistani gangs on
hundreds of children, mostly young white females.
The report
detailed the local government’s
failure to act against years of assaults on an estimated 1,400 victims and
blamed the “shadow” of “political correctness,” which prevented the local
government board from “dealing with a serious problem before its eyes.” The
entire cabinet of the borough council now
has resigned, and the management of affairs will
be handled by the central government.
Outraged citizens are demanding punishment for those who
were in a position of responsibility. A petition online at Change.org is calling for criminal charges
against the former members of the Rotherham council.And that’s just the start. “They
should be tried for treason,” activist Pamela Geller told WND.
Geller, author of “Stop
the Islamization of America,”
told WND that “these people allowed these girls’ lives to be ruined, and the
future of the United Kingdom to be compromised. Authorities didn’t prosecute
the gangs or reveal the extent of what was happening for fear of being called
The official report supports Geller’s analysis. Thousands of
children were sexually assaulted in the city from 1997 to 2013. The
perpetrators, mostly Pakistani men, were largely enabled by the local
government’s fear of confronting them. According to the testimony of one local
government officer, “the white British are very mindful of racism and
frightened of racism allegations so there is no robust challenge.”
The report charges that statistics on ethnicity were
actively concealed in presentations on community issues, workers were
constantly warned not to discuss ethnicity and British officials
overcompensated in trying not to “offend” Muslims, even to the point of
prohibiting forums near pubs.
Consequently, writes report author Louise Casey, while the
council acted with “an intention of not being racist, their ways of dealing
with race does more harm than good.”
Not surprisingly, government workers and local officials
were hesitant to talk about crimes in the community because “staff perceived
that there was only a small step between mentioning the ethnicity of
perpetrators and being named a racist.”
Casey writes that the sexual abuse was not discussed openly
because officials feared it could be exploited by “far right” political groups
like the British National Party (BNP) and the English Defense League. A senior
officer testifies in the report that leading officials were “terrified of the
But foreign policy analyst Serge Trifkovic, author of “The
Sword of the Prophet: Islam – History, Theology, Impact on the World,” believes
that there is a religious as well as an ethnic dimension to the sexual abuse.
In an exclusive interview with WND, he stated: “What we have
in England is typically Islamic treatment of infidel women coupled with the
offenders themselves behaving as if they were in a country already conquered
for Dar-al-Islam. Elsewhere in the Third World there are, of course, massive
abuses and exploitation of girls and young women, but such willful and
systematic rape of white infidel girls and women by Muslim men is a pathology
unique to Islam. It was made ‘licit’ by their ‘prophet.’”
Geller similarly judges that “the Quran allows Muslims to
keep non-Muslim women as sex slaves (4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50). The kidnapping
and forcing into sex slavery of non-Muslim women in Nigeria and Iraq and Syria
over the last year corresponds to the grooming gangs in the U.K.”
The scandal in Rotherham comes at a
time of fierce debate in the establishment media about
“no go” zones in Europe that are dominated by
Islamic radicals.
Soeren Koren of the Gatestone
Institute, a New York based policy institute and think tank, said
in a report describing the zones that they are
created by “decades of multicultural policies that have encouraged Muslim
immigrants to remain segregated from – rather than become integrated into –
their European host nations.”
In Rotherham, social workers and senior officials knew that
mostly Pakistani men, especially taxi drivers, were responsible for child
sexual exploitation in the community, the report said. It noted there was “a
clear perception among senior officials that the ethnic dimension of CSE was
Intimidated white councilors “weren’t sure or didn’t want to
deal with the issues around the Pakistani heritage community.” As a result,
Pakistani heritage councilors “were handed a ‘community leader’ role” and were
able to “rescind their responsibility for their constituents as a whole.”
Because Western leaders are cowed by political correctness,
Geller believes Rotherham is not an anomaly. “I am sure that what happened in
Rotherham took place in many other British cities,” she told WND. “I do not
believe this is a one-off.”
Trifkovic concurs.“Since there is no national data-gathering
system on this type of crime, it is hard to tell with certainty just how widely
spread this problem is. But there have been similar, albeit less high-profile
cases over the years.”
Two years ago, the British National Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) noted a “systematic failure” by
Oxfordshire County Council to stop a grooming gang that plied girls, some as
young as 11, with alcohol and drugs.
At their 2013 trial, it was revealed that the seven
perpetrators – Akhtar Dogar, Anjum Dogar, Kamar Jamil, Assad Hussain, Mohammed
Karrar, Bassam Karrar and Zeeshan Ahmed – had acted “under the noses” of the
authorities, who showed “almost willful blindness.”
After a similar case in Derby, U.K. former Home Secretary
Jack Straw suggested some men of Pakistani origin saw white girls as “easy
meat.”“He was viciously attacked by the media and other politicians for making
the statement. On the other hand, the judge in the case said the race of the
victims and their abusers was ‘coincidental.’ And there have been other cases
like around the United Kingdom.”
In contrast to the council’s sensitivity toward Muslims, the
report notes that the local government and the police treated the mostly young,
white, female victims as “second class citizens” and “blamed” them for the
crimes committed against them.
The crimes included “rape with a broken bottle” and “girls
being ordered to kiss perpetrators’ feet at gun point.” And, the report
alleges, “there were numerous occasions in which girls were not believed. They
were threatened with wasting police time, they were told they had consented to
sex, and, on occasion, they were arrested at the scene of a crime, rather than
the perpetrators.”
The report quotes one unnamed councilor expressing a belief
that “British Asians” were “fooled definitely” by the way 14- to 15-year-old
English girls dress to make themselves look more like adults.
The official report judges that “Rotherham is different in
that it was repeatedly told by its own youth service what was happening and it
chose, not only to not act, but to close that service down.” But recent
reports suggest that even the estimated
total of 1,400 victims may be too low, Trifkovic warns.
“Muslim serial abusers or their English facilitators in
various local government and law enforcement structures are not uniquely
predisposed to this type of behavior in only one isolated location. Naturally,
the elite class would prefer to cover it up. But this isn’t just taking place
in Rotherham.”
Source: http://www.wnd.com/2015/02/muslim-rape-gang-cover-up-exposed/
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