(Dr. Jerome Corsi) – The Washington-based
Center for Immigration Studies announced last week that government documents
released in a FOIA request prove the Obama administration has given legitimate
Social Security numbers and work permits to 5.5 million illegal immigrants from
2009 to 2014, in addition to the number of new green cards and temporary worker
admissions issued legally. In other words, the Obama administration since 2009
has run a “Shadow Government” with the purpose of opening the border and
granting legal status to millions of illegal immigrants in complete disregard
of current immigration laws. “This is a huge parallel immigrant work
authorization system outside the limits set by Congress that inevitably impacts
opportunities for U.S. workers, damages the integrity of the immigration
system, and encourages illegal immigration,” CIS researcher Jessica Vaughn
said, making the shocking announcement. “A huge number of work permits, 1.7 million, were issued to aliens
whose status was unknown, not recorded by the adjudicator, or not disclosed by
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the agency that processes
the applications,” Vaughn continued. “This should be a concern; work permits
are gateway documents to driver’s licenses and other benefits, and if the
government agency issuing them does not know or will not disclose how the
bearer arrived in the country how can others rely on the authenticity of an
individual’s identity? It is equally disconcerting if the government does know
and chooses not to disclose it.” The 5.5 million included 1.8 million work
permits given to immigrants with temporary visas or visa waivers, and
two-thirds of these held visas that did not permit employment in the United
It is no wonder the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the
new jobs created in the United States are going to foreign workers who
typically will work for less pay and fewer benefits, while native-born U.S.
citizens have experienced a loss of jobs under the Obama administration, with
the BLS statistics proving that one in every two jobs added under the Obama
administration since 2009 have gone to foreign workers.
Last week, we also learned illegal immigrants are eligible
for “amnesty bonuses” in that illegal immigrants granted freedom from worrying
about prosecution deportation under Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals, or DCDA program, are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit that
allows the illegal immigrants to file an amended tax return for up to the last
three years, possibly receiving upwards of $24,000 in tax “refund” checks
mailed to them by the IRS.
The Weekly Standard reported that Eileen J. O’Connor, a tax
lawyer and the former head of the tax division of the United States Department
of Justice, revealed in her congressional testimony to the Senate Homeland
Security Committee that all an illegal immigrant needs to get an Earned Income
Tax Credit is a legitimate Social Security number.
“But in 1999, the Chief Counsel’s office of IRS ruled (in a
non-binding, non-precedential way, but no one but the IRS pays attention to
those disclaimers) that when a person receives a social security number, he can
file amended returns to claim the credit for the three preceding years during
which he did not,” O’Connor explained. “The logic is puzzling: the credit is
not available if you don’t have a social security number, but you can receive
it retroactively for years during which you did not qualify for it because you
didn’t have a social security number.”
Last October, the Obama administration had the Department of
Homeland Security buy enough supplies to make as many as 34 million blank
“green card” work permits and residency cards ready to be issued over the next
five years to illegal immigrants in the United States.
The Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) plans to
open operational space in a newly constructed office building in Crystal City,
near Arlington, Virginia, at a price tag of a $7.8 million annual lease, with a
plan to house some 1,000 full-time, permanent federal and contract employees in
a variety of positions and grade levels, with jobs offering salaries as high as
$157,000 a year and a total salary cost of $40 million per year.
The Obama administration has put Congress on notice that since
the USCIS operates on fees that the USCIS continued to collect even through the
government shutdown of 2013 that ran from October 1 through October 16, 1963,
Congress cannot shut the USCIS bureaucracy down through an appropriations bill,
with the result Obama can keep issuing amnesty documents to DREAMER parents in
complete disregard of Congress.
What should be clear to everyone now is that the “Obamnesty”
is shaping up to be Barack Obama’s final coup de grace in his Saul Alinsky plan
to fundamentally change the United States by implementing a Cloward/Piven
stroke that will tip the demography of the nation toward serving the interests
of an Hispanic underclass invited here with the promise of employment plus
ample government-funded social welfare services.
The truth is the Obama administration and the
double-crossing GOP establishment leaders in Congress have made USA citizenship
not a special privilege that millions around the world aspire to obtain, but
the type of item a person could expect to purchase at the .99-cent store – a
privilege so protected by the Obama administration that illegal immigrants are
constantly being pushed to the front of the line by leftist Democrats and
establishment GOP that prefer pandering to illegal immigrant voters than enforcing
in the United States the rule of law.
Amnesty is Obama’s Cloward/Piven plan to break America’s
back and bankrupt our workforce.
This is why I have decided to write a new, hard-hitting,
“tell-all” eBook entitled Amnesty – the
Plan Obama Designed to Break America’s Back that will give you an
insider’s look at the Obama amnesty and the GOP “fix” that appears to be
setting in to Congress.
In the eBook, you will learn about:
- Obama’s secret plan to bring America to her knees.
- Why illegal immigrants are the perfect fit for Obama’s insurgent secret plan.
- Why the Republicans are playing into Obama’s secret play.
- The facts that more than 50 percent of illegal immigrants overstay their Visa permits to come to the United States, including many from nations that are not friendly to the United States.
- Why only Tea Party Loyalists can throw the roadblocks in the government’s path to derail amnesty and restore the Constitution and the rule of law to preserve, protect, and defend U.S. sovereignty in this time of crisis.
My eBook entitled Amnesty
– the Plan Obama Designed to Break America’s Back will available
starting this coming week, available exclusively through TeaParty.org.
Remember, this is Obama socialism and hard-working U.S.
citizens that have carried the full weight of the Obama economy – including
suffering under government businesses that cripple small business, being forced
to bear the cost of business failures and back taxes, while seeing their credit
histories destroyed, losing their homes in record numbers, being forced to go
on food stamps to feed a family, and wondering how they will pay to college
educate their children.
While destroying the U.S. middle class, the Obama
administration plans to burden the middle class to pay for the “amnesty”
DREAMERS upon whom Obama plans to create first-class privileged citizenship
Also remember, Barack Obama end game is (and always was)
redistributing income by destroying a middle class Obama has declared to be
“racist,” while opening our borders to a Spanish underclass that Obama knows
will have no appreciation of American history and no commitment to the U.S.
Tea Party Loyalists must now tell Congress that they cannot
get away with it? The People are watching!
In this coming week, you will have the opportunity to be
among the first to get and read the hottest Tea Party eBook, Amnesty – the Plan Obama Designed to Break
America’s Back, right here at TeaParty.org.
This week, please also join me in sending to all 100 U.S.
Senators and to all 435 members of the House of Representatives a TeaParty.org
Fax Blast that says “No to Amnesty!”
Tea Party Loyalists are the last line of resistance to
“America’s Fraud President” who is attempting to deprive us of our
Constitutional rights in his effort to debase America to a police-state
maintaining order in a second-class nation.
Our voices must and will be heard. We
must say “No To Amnesty!” by reminding Congress they owe allegiance first to
the U.S. citizen and the legal immigrant.
In November 2014, Tea Party Loyalists issued a strong
statement that we are prepared to repeat in November 2016, defeating any and
all incumbent members of Congress – Republicans and Democrats alike – who do
not stand with us to defend the United States of America.
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