Monday, May 11, 2015

Family Abuse in KY

Pregnant Homeschool Mom Assaulted by Sheriff as CPS Kidnaps Her Kids in Kentucky, Posted on May 10, 2015 Written by
Friends of the Nau­gler fam­ily in Ken­tucky reached out to us and asked us to tell their story. Their 10 home­schooled chil­dren were allegedly taken away by Breck­in­ridge County Sher­iff deputies and CPS this week, allegedly act­ing on an anony­mous tip. The offi­cers report­edly had no war­rant to enter their prop­erty. Nicole Nau­gler is cur­rently 5 months preg­nant, and report­edly attempted to drive away from the prop­erty with a cou­ple of the chil­dren. Offi­cers allegedly detained her from leav­ing her own prop­erty, and when she objected to them tak­ing away her chil­dren, they allegedly “slammed (her) belly first into the cop car and bruised and scraped on both arms.”
They also allegedly arrested her for “dis­or­derly con­duct” when she objected to them tak­ing away her chil­dren, and spent the night in jail. All ten chil­dren are report­edly now in State cus­tody. Much of the encounter with CPS and the Sher­iff deputies was recorded, and the record­ings are avail­able on the Save Our Fam­ily blog.
Save Our Fam­ily Blog Day 1: Arrest  Save the Nau­gler Family
Joe and Nicole Nau­gler live on a home­stead in rural Ken­tucky. They live a very sim­ple life. They gar­den and raise ani­mals. They are indus­tri­ous peo­ple try­ing to teach their chil­dren how to live right.
They have ten chil­dren who are home­schooled on the home­stead. They con­tribute to the suc­cess of the fam­ily crops and live­stock, all while learn­ing about the amaz­ing beauty of life.
On May 6th, 2015, Breck­in­ridge Co. Sheriff’s offi­cers came to their home, act­ing on an anony­mous tip, and entered their prop­erty and home with­out a war­rant and with­out prob­a­ble cause. Nicole was at home with the two old­est chil­dren, while Joe was away with the oth­ers. When the offi­cers left the home, they attempted to block the access road to the fam­ily prop­erty. Nicole and the two boys got in their car to leave the fam­ily prop­erty. The got only a short way down the road before the offi­cers pulled Nicole over.
Dur­ing this stop, Sheriff’s deputies took their two old­est boys from Nicole’s cus­tody, pro­vid­ing her no jus­ti­fi­ca­tion or doc­u­men­ta­tion to sup­port their action. Nicole was able to con­tact Joe briefly by tele­phone, but only for a short period of time, because she needed to use her phone to record the events.
At that point, Nicole had been taken into cus­tody for dis­or­derly con­duct (for not pas­sively allow­ing the Sher­iff to take her boys) and resist­ing arrest. Even though she is 5 months preg­nant, she was slammed belly first into the cop car and bruised and scraped on both arms.
Joe was able to arrange trans­porta­tion to meet his wife where the stop had taken place. Joe attempted to get out of the car to speak with the offi­cers and his wife, and to recover the vehi­cle Nicole had been dri­ving. The Sher­iff, with his hand on his sidearm, ordered Joe back into the car. Joe com­plied with that request. The Sher­iff informed Joe that he had every inten­tion of mak­ing this as dif­fi­cult as pos­si­ble for them and that their car would be impounded, despite the fact that Joe was there on­site to recover it.
A friend, who had dri­ven Joe to the loca­tion, got out of the car to speak with the Sher­iff. She was able to con­vince the Sher­iff to let Joe recover the vehi­cle. Joe also recov­ered Nicole’s cell phone, which had been record­ing audio the entire time.
The Sher­iff ordered Joe to turn the remain­ing eight chil­dren over to Breck­in­ridge County Sheriff’s deputies by 10:00 a.m., and threat­ened him with felony charges if he does not comply.
At this time (roughly 5:00 CDT), Nicole is being held in cus­tody in Hardins­burg, KY by the Breck­in­ridge Co. Sher­iff (see update below). The where­abouts of their two old­est sons is unknown to the fam­ily. Nicole faces a mag­is­trate at 8:00 a.m. to set bail and an arraign­ment will take place shortly thereafter.
All of this has hap­pened because of an anony­mous com­plaint filed with CPS. In the state of KY, an anony­mous com­plaint can­not be con­sid­ered prob­a­ble cause to pur­sue this course of action. It can­not be con­firmed that this is the com­plainant, but ear­lier this week an acquain­tance of the Naugler fam­ily threat­ened to file a CPS com­plaint against them, all because Joe “unfriended” this acquain­tance on Facebook.
Nicole Released, Kids Still In Custody
 “I am a free range human. Not meant to be caged. But I will stand up for my rights. Over­whelmed by the love and support.”
Nicole has been released from jail. But the State is still in cus­tody of her 10 chil­dren. The Naugler’s fight is only just beginning.
How to Help - Contact
Steve Beshear is the Gov­er­nor of Ken­tucky.
Dean Schamore is the State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the dis­trict the Nau­gler fam­ily resides in.
Sher­iff Todd Pate of Breck­in­ridge County, also an elected offi­cial.
One of the U.S. Sen­a­tors rep­re­sent­ing the State of Ken­tucky has recently declared his can­di­dacy for the office of the U.S. Pres­i­dent. Per­haps peo­ple should con­tact Sen­a­tor Rand Paul as well, and let him know he needs to clean up the mess of Child Pro­tec­tion Ser­vices and its cor­rupt prac­tices in his home state before aspir­ing to rep­re­sent the entire nation. Contact Sen­a­tor Rand Paul.
When you con­tact these elected offi­cials, please refer them to the inves­ti­ga­tions done by local media in Ken­tucky on the cor­rupt prac­tices of Child Ser­vices as exposed by whistle­blow­ers in this story:
Also let the local media in Ken­tucky know they need to keep on report­ing these abuses of power in kid­nap­ping Ken­tucky children.
Con­tact WAVE3 and WLKY News and ask them to cover Ken­tucky CPS abuses.
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