States Report They are Increasing Efforts to Take
Children From Their Homes to Collect Federal Bounty by TCB CHRONICLES Staff
Child protective agencies nationwide are forcibly
removing more children from their homes even when the agencies’ own
investigations establish that the children have not been abused or neglected,
according to reports submitted by state agencies to the National Center on
Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN) during 1998. Once in foster care, state
agencies further reported, children were much more likely to be maltreated than
they are in their own homes.
Family advocates blame financial incentives offered through new federal legislation for the frightening trend that places increasing numbers of families at risk of losing their children and a national watchdog organization has pledged to use NCCAN’s statistics to alert parents.
Family advocates blame financial incentives offered through new federal legislation for the frightening trend that places increasing numbers of families at risk of losing their children and a national watchdog organization has pledged to use NCCAN’s statistics to alert parents.
According to statistics published in the recently
released government publication, “Child Maltreatment 1998: Reports from the
States to the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect,” 18% of children
placed in foster care were taken from homes with unsubstantiated reports of
child maltreatment. Pennsylvania, Kansas and New Jersey led the 16 states
reporting in this category. Nearly half (43%) of the foster care placements in
those states were taken from families where child protective services (CPS)
workers had unsubstantiated reports of child abuse or neglect. A complete
breakdown of these statistics by state is shown in Table 1. While many states
did not supply specific statistics for this category, there is no evidence to
suggest that the percentages are different in non-reporting states.
Child protective agencies’ disclosures clearly challenge
the public’s assumption that children are removed from their homes only under
the most extreme of circumstances. However, further examination of the
agencies’ own records discloses that the cure increasingly utilized by child
protective services is worse than the problem.
Children are eleven times more likely to be sexually
abused in state care than they are in their own homes, according to NCCAN.
While 59 out of 100,000 children in the general population are alleged to be
physically abused, 160 — more than twice as much — were physically abused in
the foster care population. Neglect? The 32 states submitting data in this
category reported that 490 per hundred thousand children were neglected in
their homes and 760 per hundred thousand were neglected in state care.
Tragically, 6.4 children per 100,000 were killed in foster care in 1998
compared to a rate of 1.5 per hundred thousand in the general population. (See
Table 2).
Nationwide, states are reporting to the federal
government that children are being abused by the very system mandated to
protect them.
Federal law requires that each state submit statistics
about its child protective operations to NCCAN, an agency under the umbrella of
the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Congress mandated that
DHHS oversee state child protective agencies and monitor their conformance to
federal guidelines. NCCAN attempts to accomplish this by sending out annual
surveys to the states and compiling the results in its national clearinghouse
on child abuse and neglect. After spending more than 18 months verifying and
organizing the statistics, NCCAN publishes the results in its “Child
Maltreatment” series. The 1998 report was just released.
This is the first in a series of articles that will
examine and report on the significance of the NCCAN data.
“Our investigators will be reviewing and analyzing every
number the states handed over to the federal government, ” said Cheryl Barnes,
Director of CPS Watch, a national organization of families and professionals
that monitors CPS activities. “Our members are going to get this information
out to the families that need it. Unlike DHHS, these watchdogs have teeth,” she
One of the country’s highest priorities is supposed to be
the safety of its youngest citizens. Parents nationwide agonize over their
responsibility to protect their children from the perils that sprout from an
increasingly complex and violent society. The biggest peril faced by
contemporary children may well be their own government. Yet surprisingly few
citizens have voiced their concerns over the threatening DHHS statistics
pouring out of the nation’s capital.
“With a nationwide budget exceeding that of the National
Defense Budget, more than a few eyebrows should be raised,” says Susan Jackson,
a family advocate and member of CPS Watch. “No one dares risk being politically
incorrect, even to save hundreds of thousands of children who are sentenced to
a life of disassociation and despair in multiple foster homes, and then, if
they are ‘lucky,’ into an adoptive home, never to see their parents or siblings
Federal legislation passed in 1997 appears to have
dramatically increased child removals during 1998, even though the states had
only partially applied it. The majority of the states were still in the process
of drafting state laws to implement new federal guidelines in 1998. CPS Watch members
who have reviewed the 1998 data expressed grave concern that the 1999 rates of
child incarceration will astound both child welfare experts and the public
alike and the foster care population will almost double by the end of this
Families who suddenly find themselves subject to CPS
investigations are unprepared for the ordeal, parents who have gone through the
experience explained. They suggest that parents who harbor the thought that it
cannot happen to their family consider the implications of numbers released in
NCCAN’s report.
If the 1998 rates of governmental intrusion are simply
replicated in 2000, children will have a 1 in 25 chance of being subject to a
child abuse/neglect investigation this year. On the other hand, the chance of
getting a flat tire on the family car this year is 1 in 70 — enough of a
possibility for the car industry to equip new vehicles with spare tires. (See
Table 3)
“No family has any spare children,” says Barnes. “We have
to do better. We have to do a better job of warning parents what these
statistics mean to their families. We have to get to them before the government
knocks on their door.”
In the worst states, Alaska, New York, Indiana and
Missouri, a family is five times more likely to have a social worker knock on
the door than they are to have a flat tire. “The idea that you don’t need to be
concerned about CPS until they come to your door is about as ridiculous as
thinking you don’t need a spare tire until you have a flat,” Barnes said. “We
should protect our children from a government assault just as diligently as we
protect against a flat tire or a house fire or any other threat to their
Government statistics disclose that families are not only
more likely to find themselves subject to CPS intrusion each year but that
their children are far more likely to be removed after the investigation.
States are reporting to NCCAN that they are increasingly choosing to remove
children from their families as a solution, even when it appears there is no
The state of Ohio reported to NCCAN that 22% of the
children placed in state care were involved in reports that were ruled
unfounded by child protective investigators. Ohio records indicated an
additional 20% of the incarcerated children were “in need of services”, but not
victims of substantiated abuse or neglect. An additional 4% were placed in
foster care for “other reasons.” Ohio’s child protective agency said it did not
know the reasons why 2% were taken into state care (Table 1).
Ten percent of the children incarcerated in Washington
were placed as a result of unsubstantiated complaints of child abuse or
neglect, according to NCCAN. An additional 26% placed in state care were cases
“closed without a finding” and another 16% were placed for “other” reasons.
These “other” reasons are not specifically named, but they were not based on
founded charges of child abuse or neglect. In fact, only 48% of the children
taken into state custody in 1998 were victims of child abuse or neglect.
New Mexico reported to NCCAN that 24% of the children it
placed in state care were subjects of unsubstantiated complaints.
In Kansas, 41% of the children placed in foster care came
from families where CPS investigators found complaints of child abuse or
neglect to be unfounded. This, coupled with the fact that Kansas had the
highest rate of termination of parental rights that year, could indicate a very
serious problem in Kansas.
Twenty-five percent of the children placed in foster care
in Wyoming came as the result of unsubstantiated complaints, state officials
reported to NCCAN. An additional 1% of Wyoming children were incarcerated for
“unknown” reasons.
Family advocates say that the reason states incarcerated
children instead of providing the services they claim the children needed in
their home has to do with money. State agencies do not receive nearly as much
federal funding for family preservation as they do for foster care.
“As soon as I take a kid out of a home, I begin to earn
federal money for the cost of caring for that child,” said Gary Stangler, who
resigned as Director of Missouri’s Department of Social Services last month.
“All of the federal incentives are in the institutional side,” Stangler told
journalist Bill Moyer (Pellett, 1992).
In 1997, Congress passed the Adoption and Safe Families
Act (ASFA). To qualify for federal funding, each state had to adopt legislation
modifying its child welfare procedures to conform to ASFA’s guidelines. The new
procedures place a premium on removing children from their homes and, once in
foster care, accelerates substantially the time frame for severing their rights
to be legally associated with their parents. ASFA provides what it literally
refers to as a “bonus” for each child adopted in the state. The act continued
the uncapped federal entitlements referred to by Stangler — states receive
federal funds for each child held in foster care.
Family advocates claim that all the states have a
powerful financial incentive to take children into custody and keep them there.
“These folks are fed by a child abuse industry to the
tune of well over 12 billion dollars,” Jackson says. “Cash harvested by social
workers, diagnosticians, attorneys, foster homes and group homes, to name a
few. They are jumping on the abuse hysteria bandwagon like so many fleas to a
Federal funding not only encourages states to remove
children from their homes, but provisions in ASFA make it far less likely that
their children will ever be able to come home.
Throughout the 1990’s, children remained in foster care
for an average of 2 1/2 years before being reunited with their families or put
up for adoption. ASFA requires states to move to terminate parental rights when
a child has been in foster care for 15 out of the previous 22 months. ASFA also
authorizes additional money to states that place children with foster
caretakers who want to adopt them immediately upon removing them from their
families. The foster caretaker then actively participates in CPS meetings where
the decision is made whether to return the child to her family.
“Your baby is torn from your arms, even though you have
not been accused of abusing or neglecting him,” says one parent, “and they put
him in a house with strangers. They don’t even tell you where he is. You worry
yourself sick over how he is being treated. You get to visit him one hour a
week in a social services office while you’re involved in a custody battle with
a stranger who has him 24/7.”
“That’s child abuse,” says the parent, who asked not to
be identified because of his/her involvement in an active case.
In 1998, states reported to NCCAN that CPS workers
removed an estimated 238,000 children, 34,000 more than the number of children
that left the system that year. The foster care population has skyrocketed
during the past decade. Currently, more than 550,000 children are in state
Drawing from data submitted by the states, NCCAN
estimated that 2,806,453 total reports of child abuse and neglect were phoned
in to hotlines across the country in 1998. Thirty-four percent of those
(955,186) were immediately judged unfounded and “screened out” of the
investigative process. Of the 1,851,267 that were investigated, 295,169 were
substantiated for physical or sexual child abuse — about 11% of the 2.8 million
“Can we justify a 4.3 billion dollar budget for 295
thousand cases of abuse,” Barnes asks. “This is presuming that all the
substantiated cases are actual cases of abuse, which is highly questionable.”
States reported to NCCAN that a large percentage of reports
phoned into child abuse and neglect hotlines are made by social service workers
themselves. Employees of social service agencies, which include the same
workers who investigate the claims, make 15 percent of the reports. School
teachers and administrators report 15 percent of the cases while police
officers phone in 13 percent. Disgruntled neighbors family members and friends
are responsible for 17 percent of the reports, NCCAN data shows. (See Chart 1)
The public is generally aware that false allegations of
child abuse are often made to gain advantage in acrimous custody disputes.
All 50 states have passed legislation that requires
certain professionals to report suspected child abuse and neglect. Mandated
reporters face criminal penalties if they fail to report and, like other
reporters, are immune from civil liability for falsely reporting innocent
parents. Child welfare workers have grown accustomed to “knee jerk” reports
from hypersensitive mandated reporters interested in covering themselves and these
reports are given low priority in many CPS agencies. Mandated reporters made 53
percent of the reports in 1998.
While the states break down reporters by category in
their reports to NCCAN, parents under investigation by state CPS agencies are
never told who reported them for mistreating their children. Family advocates
point out that it is impossible to defend yourself against false charges made
by anonymous people who may be using CPS to pursue a vindictive personal
Barnes pledges that CPS Watch advocates will continue to
probe NCCAN data and report on its ongoing investigation.
Family advocates suggest that citizens who are interested
in protecting their families from governmental intrusion learn more about child
welfare policy in their state. They say it is important for families who have
not encountered CPS workers to be prepared. Citizens can write their
Congresspersons and Senators to request they repeal the Adoption and Safe
Families Act, the advocates suggested.
Child welfare experts and social workers have expressed
concern over the effects of ASFA since it was passed in 1997. NCCAN’s 1998 data
seems to confirm their worst suspicions.
In her commentary published in “Social Work” (March,
2000), Leslie Doty Hollingsworth warns of the ethical problems social workers
face with the passage of ASFA. “Social workers should also advocate for
policies that separate adoption incentives from child protection decisions and
that are receptive to the well-being of children . . .”
“Because there are strong financial incentives to
increase adoptions,” the professor of social work at the University of Michigan
writes of ASFA, “practitioners may be compromised ethically if required to work
for reunification and adoptive placement simultaneously.”
Hollingsworth objects to ASFA because the new federal law
ignores systemic factors, such as poverty and single female parenthood. “Poor
and single-parent families may be disadvantaged, whereas people desiring to
adopt may be advantaged,” she points out.
“The comparative effects of terminating parental rights
on children and their biological families are not addressed” in ASFA, Dr.
Hollingsworth wrote. The law gives legal standing to strangers acting as foster
caregivers to participate in court hearings and family planning meetings but
denies grandparents and other relatives any standing.
ASFA allows state CPS agencies to make exceptions to
making “reasonable efforts” to keep a family together. As Dr. Hollingsworth
points out, CPS can avoid making any efforts to keep a child in her home “even
if the health and safety of the child is not at risk” in her home.
Section 303 of ASFA requires the states to report to
federal government any progress made in placing children with relatives —
something that government agencies are strangely reluctant to do. Dr.
Hollingsworth suggests to members of the social work profession that they abide
by that ruling so that the data can be reviewed in the future.
Meanwhile, family advocates say, the child protective
agencies continue to destroy families on the way to the bank.
“For every day that a parent has an open case against him
or her, these agencies reap in the stipends, so there is no incentive to drop
an innocent parent from the abuse registry or to finalize therapeutic
intervention,” Jackson says.
“Government meddling is arbitrary and never-ending, and
often ends up in termination of parental rights, yielding yet another cash
windfall for Child Welfare.”
Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-89). Washington, D.C.: US Government Printing Office.
Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-89). Washington, D.C.: US Government Printing Office.
Child Maltreatment 1998: Reports from the states to the
National Clearinghouse for Child Abuse and Neglect, (2000). Washington, D.C.:
US Department of Health and Human Services. US Government Printing Office.
Hollingworth, Leslie (2000). Adoption policy in the
United States: A word of caution. Social Work, 45, (2), pgs. 183-185.
Pellett, Gail, Producer, “Families First.” Bill Moyer,
Public Broadcasting Service. 1992: Public Affairs Television, Inc.
You can find
out what information your state reported to the federal government here.
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