By now, the
whole world is familiar with the snuff films documenting the forced marches and
beheadings of orange-jump-suited Christians by such groups as
ISIS. Churches are blown up or converted into mosques, monuments and
tombstones are pulverized or desecrated, and Christian schools are shut down
while refugees from the horror of ISIS and other Islamist groups literally flee
to the mountains.
But as it did
at the turn of the 20th century, when the harassed and tormented
Armenians were exterminated by the hundreds of thousands, the world turns a
nearly blind eye to the distress of Christians and groups like the Yazidis,
600 of whom were slaughtered only a heartbeat in time ago. By and large, the
extermination of Christians and Christian culture from the Middle East and
Northern Africa is greeted by the West with a sigh or ignored altogether.
That is because
for most Americans, persecution of Christians is perceived as happening only
somewhere over there in other countries. Distance serves as
anesthetic. Certainly it’s not happening here. Not in the United
States of America! Numbed Christians in America assume they are safe from
But they are
not safe.
As Msgr. Charles Pope and Johnette Benkovic point out, persecution of a hated segment of society begins
gradually and accelerates stage by stage. Christians in America should
recognize they are well into the first stages of persecution.
The first stage
begins with attempts to stereotype the targeted group. Our current
president summed up the Christian-hating left’s views of people of faith when
in 2008, he categorized working-class voters in the following way: "[I]t's
not surprising, then, that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or
antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or
anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
For Obama, as
well as for nearly all the left, people of faith are the inhibitors of
“progress,” and they deserve being caricatured as Bible-thumpers, and therefore
ignorant, uneducated, backward hicks and rednecks.
Msgr. Pope
in particular, were also accused of having neurotic guilt and a hatred
of or aversion to sexuality. We were denounced as a sexist
institution filled with clergy who were sexually repressed, homosexuals, or
pedophiles. We were labeled an authoritarian institution stuck in the
past, one with too many restrictive rules. Basically, as the stereotype goes, Catholics
and Bible-believing Christians are a sad, angry, boring, backward, repressed
lot. To many who accept the stereotype, we are a laughable—even tragic—group
caught in a superstitious past, incapable of throwing off the ‘shackles’ of
The second
stage of persecution involves justifying hatred of a particular group. As
the progressive religion accelerates and consolidates its agenda, it justifies
vilification of Christians who refuse to embrace its tenets of faith.
Christians are portrayed as regressive troglodytes who are determined to resist
the hope and change forced on them by the almighty State. Those who
oppose the fundamental transformation the left desires are “described as
close-minded, harmful to human dignity and freedom, intolerant, hateful, bigoted,
unfair, homophobic, reactionary, and just plain mean and basically bad people.”
Of course, it
follows that the history of the Christian church is seen as little more than
unrelieved episodes of crusades, inquisitions, repression of scientific knowledge
– the repository of everything bad. Meanwhile, the current-day
intellectual heirs of the Enlightenment are held up as the only light Western
civilization has known or will ever know.
The end result,
Pope writes, is that “all of this has the effect of creating a self-righteous
indignation toward believers and of making anti-Catholic and anti-Christian
attitudes a permissible bigotry for many today.”
Stage three
involves marginalizing Christians’ role in society. Because Christianity
is seen by the left as harmful to society at large, its immense contributions
are downplayed or scorned. In fact, religion should be exterminated if a
just and equal, fundamentally transformed United States is to arise like the
proverbial phoenix from the cremation of the superstitious, irrational
Christian past and present. If the Church is allowed to exist, its
skeletal remains should exist only within select ossuaries, wherein its
outdated and harmful rituals may – just may – be performed by and for the
drugged and deluded.
In practice,
Monsignor Pope writes, the left’s hatred of religion means that public prayer
must be forbidden, Christian influence in public policy eliminated, and
Christian holidays secularized.
It follows that
Christians must be excluded from places of power and influence, be they in
politics, academia, or the media. All positions of power belong by right
to enlightened leftist progressives.
As Chris Matthews recently suggested, Christians, particularly conservative
evangelical Christians, have no place in American politics. “If you’re a
politician and believe in God first, that’s all good. Just don’t run for
government office, run for church office,” he tweeted. Not to be outdone,
Mike Dickinson, a Virginia Democrat running for a House seat, tweeted,
“Said it proudly! Want to decimate the Tea Party, The NRA, bible thumpers
and Fox News zombies? Vote for me!”
The fourth
stage of persecution involves criminalizing Christians and their churches,
businesses, and educational institutions. Monsignor Pope writes:
increasing amount of litigation is being directed against the Church and
other Christians for daring to live out our faith[.] … It is clear that
attempts to criminalize Christian behavior is a growth sector in this culture
and it signals the beginning of the steady erosion of religious liberty. Many
indeed feel quite righteous, quite politically correct in their work to
separate the practice of the faith from the public square.
One of the
righteous who openly advocates excision of Christianity from the entire culture
is Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who recently stated at the Sixth annual Women in the World Summit that
“deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be
changed” for the sake of giving women access to “reproductive health care and
safe childbirth. Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health
care and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not
enforced. Rights have to exist in practice – not just on paper.”
Stage five
involves persecuting Christians outright. It may involve forcing
Christians to go against historic teaching of the Church by insisting that
priests and pastors marry gays, as Frank Bruni of the NY Times
recently advocated. It then may move on to make religious institutions
adhere to government “health” mandates, including provision of abortion
It may include
the levying of heavy fines, such as the proposed $135,000 fine against bakers who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex
wedding. The general idea is to force the person to perform acts odious
to him because of his deeply rooted faith, much like the SS forcing Jews to eat pork on Yom Kippur.
All of this is
to say nothing of the filing of lawsuits against Christians who practice their
faith and the proposed denial of tax-exempt status formerly routinely given to
churches and Christian charitable and educational institutions.
Persecution could well accelerate to include Henry VIII-style seizure of church
property and monies because of Christian leaders’ refusal to bow to the
doctrines of the State. As Pope notes, even jail time for Christians is
quite possible: “Already in Canada and
in parts of Europe, Catholic clergy have been arrested and charged with
‘hate crimes’ for preaching Catholic doctrine on homosexual activity.”
Finally, as
noted at the beginning of this article, the last stage of persecution of
Christians ends in their death.
How should
American Christians respond? What should be done?
First, the
American Christian church must rid itself of its neo-Gnostic separation from
the world, recognizing that though “not of this world,” it is still in
it. It must forsake its spiritual agoraphobia, its self-limitation to and
passive acceptance of a backwater subculture. It must shake off the
temptation to fight old and futile battles and see clearly the new battles
before it. It must shake off its torpor and fight for the rights it has
held for hundreds of years.
Christians also
must realize they have been deceived by the terms of the left, which
successfully persecutes Christians in the name of civil rights and equality.
The battle against Christians in the name of “equality” and “rights” must
be seen for what it is; namely, a battle between two inimically opposed
religious world views, one of which is historic Christianity, the other of
which is a tyrannous statism that seeks to ram its views down Christians’
Next, it is up
to the priests, pastors and other church leaders to educate their congregations
as to what is transpiring here in the land of the free. Last, pastors and
priests must prepare themselves and their flocks for civil disobedience.
The very
existence of the Church and Christianity in America is at stake.
Fay Voshell holds a M.Div. from Princeton
Theological Seminary, which awarded her a prize for excellence in systematic
theology. Her articles have appeared in National Review, PJMedia, American Thinker, and many other online publications. She has given lectures on
politics and religion and has been a guest on talk radio shows. She may
be reached at
By now, the
whole world is familiar with the snuff films documenting the forced marches and
beheadings of orange-jumpsuited Christians by such groups as
ISIS. Churches are blown up or converted into mosques, monuments and
tombstones are pulverized or desecrated, and Christian schools are shut down
while refugees from the horror of ISIS and other Islamist groups literally flee
to the mountains.
But as it did
at the turn of the 20th century, when the harassed and tormented
Armenians were exterminated by the hundreds of thousands, the world turns a
nearly blind eye to the distress of Christians and groups like the Yazidis,
600 of whom were slaughtered only a heartbeat in time ago. By and large, the
extermination of Christians and Christian culture from the Middle East and
Northern Africa is greeted by the West with a sigh or ignored altogether.
That is because
for most Americans, persecution of Christians is perceived as happening only
somewhere over there in other countries. Distance serves as
anesthetic. Certainly it’s not happening here. Not in the United
States of America! Numbed Christians in America assume they are safe from
But they are
not safe.
As Msgr. Charles Pope and Johnette Benkovic point out, persecution of a hated segment of society begins
gradually and accelerates stage by stage. Christians in America should
recognize they are well into the first stages of persecution.
The first stage
begins with attempts to stereotype the targeted group. Our current
president summed up the Christian-hating left’s views of people of faith when
in 2008, he categorized working-class voters in the following way: "[I]t's
not surprising, then, that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or
antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or
anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
For Obama, as
well as for nearly all the left, people of faith are the inhibitors of
“progress,” and they deserve being caricatured as Bible-thumpers, and therefore
ignorant, uneducated, backward hicks and rednecks.
Msgr. Pope
in particular, were also accused of having neurotic guilt and a hatred
of or aversion to sexuality. We were denounced as a sexist
institution filled with clergy who were sexually repressed, homosexuals, or
pedophiles. We were labeled an authoritarian institution stuck in the
past, one with too many restrictive rules. Basically, as the stereotype goes,
Catholics and Bible-believing Christians are a sad, angry, boring, backward,
repressed lot. To many who accept the stereotype, we are a laughable—even tragic—group
caught in a superstitious past, incapable of throwing off the ‘shackles’ of
The second
stage of persecution involves justifying hatred of a particular group. As
the progressive religion accelerates and consolidates its agenda, it justifies
vilification of Christians who refuse to embrace its tenets of faith.
Christians are portrayed as regressive troglodytes who are determined to resist
the hope and change forced on them by the almighty State. Those who
oppose the fundamental transformation the left desires are “described as
close-minded, harmful to human dignity and freedom, intolerant, hateful,
bigoted, unfair, homophobic, reactionary, and just plain mean and basically bad
Of course, it
follows that the history of the Christian church is seen as little more than
unrelieved episodes of crusades, inquisitions, repression of scientific
knowledge – the repository of everything bad. Meanwhile, the current-day
intellectual heirs of the Enlightenment are held up as the only light Western
civilization has known or will ever know.
The end result,
Pope writes, is that “all of this has the effect of creating a self-righteous
indignation toward believers and of making anti-Catholic and anti-Christian
attitudes a permissible bigotry for many today.”
Stage three
involves marginalizing Christians’ role in society. Because Christianity
is seen by the left as harmful to society at large, its immense contributions
are downplayed or scorned. In fact, religion should be exterminated if a
just and equal, fundamentally transformed United States is to arise like the
proverbial phoenix from the cremation of the superstitious, irrational
Christian past and present. If the Church is allowed to exist, its
skeletal remains should exist only within select ossuaries, wherein its
outdated and harmful rituals may – just may – be performed by and for the
drugged and deluded.
In practice,
Monsignor Pope writes, the left’s hatred of religion means that public prayer
must be forbidden, Christian influence in public policy eliminated, and
Christian holidays secularized.
It follows that
Christians must be excluded from places of power and influence, be they in
politics, academia, or the media. All positions of power belong by right
to enlightened leftist progressives.
As Chris Matthews recently suggested, Christians, particularly conservative
evangelical Christians, have no place in American politics. “If you’re a
politician and believe in God first, that’s all good. Just don’t run for
government office, run for church office,” he tweeted. Not to be outdone,
Mike Dickinson, a Virginia Democrat running for a House seat, tweeted,
“Said it proudly! Want to decimate the Tea Party, The NRA, bible thumpers
and Fox News zombies? Vote for me!”
The fourth
stage of persecution involves criminalizing Christians and their churches,
businesses, and educational institutions. Monsignor Pope writes:
increasing amount of litigation is being directed against the Church and
other Christians for daring to live out our faith[.] … It is clear that
attempts to criminalize Christian behavior is a growth sector in this culture
and it signals the beginning of the steady erosion of religious liberty. Many
indeed feel quite righteous, quite politically correct in their work to
separate the practice of the faith from the public square.
One of the
righteous who openly advocates excision of Christianity from the entire culture
is Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who recently stated at the Sixth annual Women in the World Summit that
“deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be
changed” for the sake of giving women access to “reproductive health care and
safe childbirth. Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health
care and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not
enforced. Rights have to exist in practice – not just on paper.”
Stage five
involves persecuting Christians outright. It may involve forcing
Christians to go against historic teaching of the Church by insisting that
priests and pastors marry gays, as Frank Bruni of the NY Times
recently advocated. It then may move on to make religious institutions
adhere to government “health” mandates, including provision of abortion
It may include
the levying of heavy fines, such as the proposed $135,000 fine against bakers who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex
wedding. The general idea is to force the person to perform acts odious
to him because of his deeply rooted faith, much like the SS forcing Jews to eat pork on Yom Kippur.
All of this is
to say nothing of the filing of lawsuits against Christians who practice their
faith and the proposed denial of tax-exempt status formerly routinely given to
churches and Christian charitable and educational institutions.
Persecution could well accelerate to include Henry VIII-style seizure of church
property and monies because of Christian leaders’ refusal to bow to the
doctrines of the State. As Pope notes, even jail time for Christians is
quite possible: “Already in Canada and
in parts of Europe, Catholic clergy have been arrested and charged with
‘hate crimes’ for preaching Catholic doctrine on homosexual activity.”
Finally, as
noted at the beginning of this article, the last stage of persecution of
Christians ends in their death.
How should
American Christians respond? What should be done?
First, the
American Christian church must rid itself of its neo-Gnostic separation from
the world, recognizing that though “not of this world,” it is still in
it. It must forsake its spiritual agoraphobia, its self-limitation to and
passive acceptance of a backwater subculture. It must shake off the
temptation to fight old and futile battles and see clearly the new battles
before it. It must shake off its torpor and fight for the rights it has
held for hundreds of years.
Christians also
must realize they have been deceived by the terms of the left, which
successfully persecutes Christians in the name of civil rights and equality.
The battle against Christians in the name of “equality” and “rights” must
be seen for what it is; namely, a battle between two inimically opposed
religious world views, one of which is historic Christianity, the other of
which is a tyrannous statism that seeks to ram its views down Christians’
Next, it is up
to the priests, pastors and other church leaders to educate their congregations
as to what is transpiring here in the land of the free. Last, pastors and
priests must prepare themselves and their flocks for civil disobedience.
The very
existence of the Church and Christianity in America is at stake.
Fay Voshell holds a M.Div. from Princeton
Theological Seminary, which awarded her a prize for excellence in systematic
theology. Her articles have appeared in National Review, PJMedia, American Thinker, and many other online publications. She has given lectures on
politics and religion and has been a guest on talk radio shows. She may
be reached at
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