Sunday, February 7, 2016

Why is Trump Winning

Donald Trump hit the public’s very high priority issues head-on from the beginning.  Voters know that excessive immigration is the reason that we have over 100 million, working-age, U.S. citizens without jobs.  Voters know that every trade deal we’ve made since NAFTA in 1993 has resulted in the loss of manufacturing jobs.  Voters know that our corporate tax rate is too high to allow US companies to keep operations in the US.  Voters know that Obama’s job killing regulations and plans to raise the cost of electricity have kept jobs from being created in the US.  Voters have seen the disruptive threats Muslims pose to Europe and they don’t want that here.  Voters know that global warming is a hoax. Voters know that if we address these problems, we will improve our economy.  Trump addressed all of these issues and didn’t buckle to the truth stifling political correctness all the other candidates succumbed to.  Trump was immune to attacks because he is immune to political correctness. Trump has also warned us about the Derivative bubble and nobody has done that.  Trump kills political correctness like Roundup.  He has Liberals scrambling to defend their scams.

Articles are appearing to discuss why other candidates failed.  One was about Rand Paul who didn’t attack the high priority issues Trump nailed. Rand Paul got stuck in one article by Conservative American with issues like removing government surveillance from our phones, devoting too many resources to the military, eliminating the Department of Education, flip flops on the Iran deal and abolishing the gold standard.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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