Friday, April 1, 2016

Political Tourette’s

Over the past two weeks, Trump and Cruz have been pulled into a food fight.  Candidates find that navigating our political system is like taking a stroll through a junkyard and blowing a dog whistle.

Even Trump and Cruz, the top two candidates from the best crop of candidates ever seen in a GOP primary are cursing at each other uncontrollably. 

Part of the problem is that Cruz is now backed by the “Money Crowd” and their campaign staffs are incompetent tricksters who like to start food fights.  

A larger part of the problem is that most voters don’t use valid selection criteria to pick a candidates they like.  These include “one issue voters”, voters who don’t understand how policies effect our economy and voters who don’t see how corrupt the political system really is. 

Voters can still use their “gut” to determine who they like, but they need to follow that up with some research on the candidates they like and don’t like. They may find that the candidate with the best message is also one of the worst messengers.

I like candidates who bring up real issues like Ronald Reagan, Ross Perot, Ron Paul and Donald Trump.  I don’t like candidates to campaign like empty suits and who do the straight-jacket dance like Romney and McCain.   

Being an “informed voter” requires that they have a layman’s understanding of the laws of economics and deductive reasoning.  It isn’t hard to see that decades of excessive immigration adds workers who take jobs from US citizens, so immigration should stop to give our own 94 million unemployed citizens a chance to become employed. 

The same logic applies to understanding our unsustainable federal debt and the unsustainable increases we’ve seen in the cost of education and health care. 

Voters should be looking at candidates’ policy positions and how their policies would actually help our Private Economy and strengthen our National Sovereignty.  

Voters need to think through the trade-offs offered in tax policy.  Cruz wants to eliminate the income tax and replace it by adding another 10% sales tax to all of your bills.  Trump wants to keep a much less corruptly complicated income tax, so voters won’t have to increase their grocery bills.  “Chaos Theory” suggests that taxing consumption would create a larger “bartering economy” already in use by the poor.  Constitutionalists should support the repeal of the income tax, because it funded the federal government to violate the Constitution by illegally expanding its “enumerated powers” to create the mess we’re in. 

Past Obama voters suffering from buyers’ remorse need to determine how they missed the fact that, as a trained Communist operative, Obama was hired by Soros to wreck the US economy and prepare for a UN takeover. 

Even though I am not a Democrat and would not have been voting for Obama, I read Obama’s books and knew what he would do.

I would expect Trump to lead the world out of “political correctness” while giving voters the softest landing he could provide.

I expect Trump to cut the corporate tax enough to allow the elimination of most of the US Tax Code and still get manufacturing jobs back in the US. 

I expect Trump to cut federal spending by eliminating harmful or useless federal departments, agencies and programs, balance the budget and begin to make payments of principle to reduce the National Debt. 

I expect Trump to reestablish families as the basic economic unit and nations as the basic political unit.  I believe Trump would end UN Agenda 21 implementation in the US.  He would work to reduce governments’ footprint and increase the Private Economy.  He would all but stop immigration to allow US citizens to get jobs. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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