Sunday, May 15, 2016

Obama’s War on Jobs

Testimony to the US State Department from California reader: our ship is sinking, by Ann Corcoran, 5/14/16

Editor: This is another copy of testimony submitted in response to my offer to post testimony that readers have sent, or are sending, to the US State Department before May 19th.  Your testimony can be long or short, more detailed or less so.  Just send something! And, then be sure to copy it to your elected officials.
From California reader: To Whom It May Concern;
I am opposed to any expansion of the refugee population in this country. I think the seeding of refugees leads to more trouble on Americans who are already overburdened by crime, over population caused by expanding refugee, illegal immigrants and illegal immigrant’s births. Besides crime and a drain on taxpayers for free programs and the like, the sprawl of the settlements has drastically reduced the productive acreage necessary to support our crops.
Too many passengers will sink a ship. The great America our ancestors struggled to create is near sinking. Stop the flood of refugees and illegal immigrants. Everyone would do better to receive our aid while they remain in their own countries and NOT here!
This is the fourth testimony in our series leading up to the deadline for testimony on May 19th.  Go here for where they are archived. We are posting as many as we can because we know the US State Department has refused in the past to make them public (so much for Obama transparency!).

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