Monday, August 22, 2016

GA RINOs on Trump

The AJC Article that appeared on the front page Sunday August 21, 2016, “Georgia GOP officials uncomfortable with, but committed to Trump”, doesn’t tell the whole story.  They interviewed Allen Peake, a State Rep who we consider a RINO.

Allen Peake is the State Rep for District 141 from Macon GA.  His legislative score on is 46% with a Grade F.  Scores are based on the votes cast by each legislator on each vote cast and the high scores go to those who are “Constitutionalists”, who want to limit government and follow the US Constitution (as written). RINOs are “statists”, who see no reason for us to limit government involvement in everything. 

Scores published on show that in the State House, 20.1% are “Republicans”, 34.1% are Democrats and 45.8% are RINOs (Republican in Name only).  This group is part of the “establishment”. 

They have become accustomed to the Obama money that has poured into Georgia since 2009 and don’t know how they will be able to do without it.   Federal grants amounting to $20 billion a year is the total of all grants, bribes, corruption, inducements, sabotage, slam-downs, welfare, junk science, corporate welfare, kick-backs, and criminal acts for mal-investments and harmful government work.

They are afraid Trump will clean out the corruption and waste and reduce the federal giveaway plans.  They are also used to the Obama police-state, UN Agenda 21, crony capitalism, top-down style of government. They are the best of “Hazard County”; a tight nit group of mean spirited, on the take “good old boys” committed to torpedoing any and all conservative challengers.

Opposing this formidable group are the actual Republican Voters who elected Trump to be the Republican Nominee in the Primaries.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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