Monday, August 22, 2016

Newton County Voters Oppose Mosque

See AJC, Monday, August 22, 2016, page 1.

We witnessed attacks on Israel in 1948 from Palestinian Arabs. We have, in effect, been at war with Islam since 1979 when the Shah of Iran was replaced by Khomeini. Since 1979, we’ve witnessed 37 years of attacks by Islamic terrorists and the damage done by the Muslim invasion of Europe.  Most Americans do not want to suffer the same Muslim abuse Europe has experienced and that includes the voters of Newton County.

The case against Muslim immigration is the fact that Islam isn’t just a religion like any other.  It is a political system designed to create a hostile takeover of other countries.  In the US, that has always, up to now, been regarded as “treason”.  Sharia law has replaced Constitutional law in “no go” zones throughout Europe.  There is a pattern to this takeover that starts politely until the Muslim population becomes large enough to exert political influence.  Our anti-discrimination laws have made it easy for Muslims to use these same laws to thwart the “will of the people” and our politicians are like deer in the headlights of this well planned trap.

American Communists have been joined by global Marxists in the UN to push for the destabilization of countries and stopping this in the US will require the US voters to pull their heads out of their asses and recognize this systemic threat.  The Communist tactic of choice has been “political correctness” where everyone who questions Liberal doctrine is labeled a “racist”.  This worked well enough until last year, when Donald Trump mortally wounded the “political correctness” scam. 

If the Newton County Commission can delay its action until November 9, 2016, the voters of Newton will know whether to push the Commission to reject the application for the Mosque and Cemetery or sell their property to a Liberal and move. 

The best case for rejecting the building of Mosques is the threat Sharia law poses to US Law and US sovereignty.  The right Supreme Court should side with US Law.  Newton County may be the first case to move forward to save US sovereignty if the county sues the federal government.

Muslim refugees should be settled in places more like their homelands where there is lots of sand, like Death Valley. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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