Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Free Society

From its beginnings in 1620, the US was founded to produce maximum economic freedom based on free market principles with the rule of law modeled from the Magna Carta. 

Individuals and families had the right to pursue economic independence. The majority of the migrants who came to settle in the American Colonies were devout Christians. They created communities that reflected their best understanding of Biblical principles. They knew that tolerance must be earned.

Those who exemplified Judeo-Christian principles were the role models. Those who were not were dealt with by their families and neighbors. Some were “invited” to leave these communities. 

The Louisiana Purchase of 1804 gave US citizens another opportunity to move to settle Western territories for more freedom, danger and opportunity. Those who were less adventurous stayed in the East. This also gave our “black sheep” a place to escape and try to succeed.

In a free society, economic freedom in a free market economy is the most important right. Personal freedom should be allowed to the extent that this freedom does not encroach on the freedom of others. When government redistributes wealth, it is violating economic freedom. When it outlaws free speech complaints, it is violating personal freedom. Government has no business giving away free stuff with taxpayer money or telling people how to behave. 

Our current “open borders” policies have flooded the labor market with excessive numbers of foreign workers.  This has resulted in 94 million working-age US citizens without jobs.  This is a violation of our economic freedom.  Political correctness establishes the foundation of policies that will end free speech. This is a violation of our personal freedom.

The US government is guilty of ignoring the rules of common sense.  Our correct assertion that “all men are created equal” was inconsistent with continuing to allow slavery. You can’t have both. Our US politicians set up a campaign finance scheme that is inconsistent with their responsibility to represent the voters.  They don’t.  Later the US government wanted welfare programs and open borders.  You can’t have both.  Now, it is clear that politicians who work for their campaign contributors pass unconstitutional laws that don’t reflect the will of the people and Communist government employees write the regulations afterwards. They can’t do that.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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