Tuesday, January 31, 2017

American Values

Self-reliance has been at the top of the American Values list from the beginning of the colonies in the 1600s. These pioneers had to feed, clothe and house themselves as they struggled to grow their own food and livestock, using hand tools, water and wind-power.

The Family was the basic economic unit and families took responsibility to look after their own members.

Moral Behavior was expected and it included not harming peaceful neighbors and not disobeying any of the 10 Commandments written in the Bible. Punishment included banishment from the community.

Hard Work was needed in order to ensure that the families were well prepared for adversity or attack and to build a certain amount of wealth to ensure the families’ survival.

Faith in God was central to daily life to bless the efforts of the faithful. A personal relationship with God was encouraged.

Freedom to function was critical to American life. Government abuse was not tolerated by citizens.

The Rule of Law was needed to ensure property rights.

The Free Market system allowed families to control prices by responding with lower demand.

Problem solving was valued and included the invention of better tools and remedies.

Self Defense was needed to guard against being attacked.
America was founded as a colony to allow the expansion of resources.

America was founded to be a Meritocracy, where ability and results are rewarded.

American Values did not include any of the things Democrats and RINOs are claiming are American values to effect the reversal of Trump’s plans to renew America and keep it safe.
Immigration has historically been allowed to solve real labor shortages and now we have a labor surplus.

Immigrants have historically been selected based on their self-reliance with the recommendations of sponsoring families who vow to support them until they can find jobs and afford to live on their own..

Socialism is not an American value; it is antithetical to self-reliance. 

Immigrants who are known to not behave should be banned from entry to the US.  Immigrants from incompatible cultures should be turned away. Muslims should be banned until the War on Terror is over.

Immigrants who are admitted should be the best on the planet.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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