Trump Watch! begins today, by Ann Corcoran 1/21/17
Yesterday was a fantastically
inspirational day. I hope you all enjoyed it. I’ve been a Trump supporter from
the earliest days of his campaign, but I also know something about how
Washington works and so I see my job,
in addition to continuing to report
what is happening in your states and around the world on refugees, as a nag to attempt to keep the Trump
Administration honest and moving toward slowing immigration and thus assuring
greater security for us all.
In Gettysburg in October, here, Donald Trump outlined a plan for his first 100 days which
included making progress on building the wall and securing our borders.
Many of those illegal aliens
(Africans!) coming across the border now are fake refugees who will be
attempting to claim asylum, so the border is of concern to us in addition to
the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
This is what Donald Trump promised would be happening immediately: Additionally, on the first day, I will take the following
five actions to restore security and the constitutional rule of law….FIFTH, suspend
immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All
vetting of people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting.
We assume “on the first day” means Monday, January 23rd!
Our Trump Watch! will report daily on
how many refugees are coming in through the Refugee Admissions Program (RAP) in
addition to other news about immigration in general. (BTW, we admit
thousands of immigrants through myriad LEGAL programs from “terror-prone”
regions. I don’t want to leave you with the notion that it is only
‘refugees’ coming from Islamic hotspots.) See our benchmark post yesterday.
So while we were enjoying the
festivities in DC, the US State Department admitted 168 more refugees just yesterday.
We will be watching in particular
refugee numbers from Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Syria. There are
many others coming from other regions as well that must be stopped. I’m
thinking of the Rohingya from Burma and Bangladesh, Ethiopians, Eritreans and
some other ethnic groups as well, but it will be those 4 we report on
Yesterday, Afghans topped the list of the four we will watch: 55 Afghans arrived in your towns, 45 Iraqis, 30 Syrians
and no Somalis on Inauguration day.
See my 100 days countdown clock in
the right hand sidebar!
Donald Trump was elected primarily because of the issue of jobs
and immigration, we sure hope he (with Congress
attempting to railroad him!) does not get bogged down on Obamacare.
Obamacare can be fixed over the course of the year, but uncontrolled
immigration, in addition to threatening our security and way of life, is
robbing Americans of jobs and changing the demographic makeup of America daily!
Numbers of refugees arriving this month are through the roof!, by Ann Corcoran 1/20/17
In the last five days, the Obama Administration has admitted the astronomical number of 2,432 refugees.
Today is the big day! And, it feels like
a huge holiday. I wasn’t going to post anything since you will be glued
to the tube, or maybe even in Washington, but I figured what the heck, I have
news to report.
Ha! Ha! It was a rush
job, but we got as many in as we could since Election day!
On January 16th I told you that the daily average of arriving
refugees had dropped from earlier in the fiscal year (the 2017 fiscal year
began on October 1, 2016), but I checked Wrapsnet this morning and see I must revise that
As of today,
Inauguration Day, we have admitted 29,895 refugees, that is a rate way above any numbers
we have seen at least since the years preceding 9/11, see here.
As of January 15th, the number was 27,463. That means in the last 5 days Obama admitted 2,432!
Trump Watch begins tomorrow!
Unless the data base disappears, I plan
to begin reporting daily (starting tomorrow) overall numbers and numbers for
specific nationalities in my Trump Watch series. So here are
some benchmarks for today for FY17:
Overall admissions: 29,895 (267 per day
Afghans: 748
Syrians: 4,588
Somalis: 3,806
Iraqis: 4,560
Here is where the Syrians (98% Muslim)
have been placed between October 1, 2016 and January 20, 2017:
If you can’t read
Florida, it is 276. Alaska and Hawaii got zero Syrians so far.
I just had a look at our category, ‘Where to find information’ and there is a lot of good stuff posted
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