Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Manufacturing for Rural Georgia

Rural Georgia needs manufacturing to return before anything else can be done to restore it to economic viability. These are typically small manufacturing operations employing about 100 workers. The corporate tax cut from 35% to 21% should surely allow manufacturing to return to rural counties.


The one thing that has always sustained the family farmer is a good paying job in town and that hasn’t changed.  There are other good jobs in rural counties, but they are usually jobs with utilities like power and cable or with government like teachers. Returning factories to rural Georgia is critical to restoring rural economies


Factories offer valuable training on the job and also offer upward mobility based on the skill and productivity acquired on the job.


Many Georgia counties have seen their hospitals and doctor’s offices close because these services need more customers to sustain themselves. These services will return when the county economy returns.


Economies are restored from the bottom up. Efforts to restore these economies from the top down are never effective long term.


Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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