Why I Write, Unity
Through Knowledge
week I happened to mention online, for the umpteenth time, that private banks,
predominantly the too-big-to-fail Wall Street banks, issue our American
currency. That remark engendered yet another insult, of the sort I most
commonly receive from the left, from a woman expressing that economics must not
be my strong suit and who followed her comment writing, “Wall Street prints
money... Hmm, didn't know that.” She finished inserting one of those insipid
laughy face emojis signifying her remark was a scoff. That’s
OK. I’m used to it. Insults from the ignorant bounce off me
like bullets off Superman. I’m sure I’ll receive more from this article,
not a problem. Actually, those kinds of remarks reinforce why I spend the
time to write each week. You see, I don’t do this for me. I already
know this stuff. I do it for you. Nobody pays me. My rewards
are intrinsic.
forever reminded of a Scripture from Hosea who wrote, “My people perish for a
lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).” So societal ignorance is nothing
new. While a lack of knowledge during Hosea’s day might have manifested
as a lack of means to forecast a dangerous storm, Hosea referred to the
behavior of his people, and how that behavior, born of ignorance, ultimately
destroyed them. There is nothing new under the sun. What has been
will be again, what has been done will be done again (Ecclesiastes 1:9).
So we should not be surprised. Each generation must learn the same
lessons as the last. And when they do not, and put them to practice, they
I freely admit unbounded ignorance. After all, a man can never know the extent of that which he does not know. But for whatever reasons, I have spent more time than is common discerning the purposes and facts behind the narratives we hear from our government and mainstream media. Starting after the banking crisis of 2009, as I studied those events in earnest, a different world of economics, politics and geopolitics opened up to me, the real world. I had spent fifty some-odd years in a fog, much as many remain today, always interested in the news and politics, but generally noting how little sense it made. Political news was a soap opera, one story never seeming to end, simply fading into the next.
And something was always wrong with the narratives. Reporters never asked the right questions. I recall a story from Fox News a few days after the attack on Benghazi. Pentagon correspondent Jennifer Griffin reported that she had spoken with an army general about the attack. According to the general, at the time of the attack the army had a drone circling an Al Qaeda training camp twenty miles away. When word of the attack arrived, they diverted the drone to Benghazi. Now that’s a very simple story, but there is something wrong with it. Do you know what it is? Think about it. Al Qaeda ostensibly took down the World Trade Center Towers, three of them. Al Qaeda is America’s archenemy. That being the case, why was Al Qaeda twenty miles from Benghazi and why would the US Army not blow their camp to paradise? And why would Jennifer Griffin not ask that question? You see, none of that makes sense.
I freely admit unbounded ignorance. After all, a man can never know the extent of that which he does not know. But for whatever reasons, I have spent more time than is common discerning the purposes and facts behind the narratives we hear from our government and mainstream media. Starting after the banking crisis of 2009, as I studied those events in earnest, a different world of economics, politics and geopolitics opened up to me, the real world. I had spent fifty some-odd years in a fog, much as many remain today, always interested in the news and politics, but generally noting how little sense it made. Political news was a soap opera, one story never seeming to end, simply fading into the next.
And something was always wrong with the narratives. Reporters never asked the right questions. I recall a story from Fox News a few days after the attack on Benghazi. Pentagon correspondent Jennifer Griffin reported that she had spoken with an army general about the attack. According to the general, at the time of the attack the army had a drone circling an Al Qaeda training camp twenty miles away. When word of the attack arrived, they diverted the drone to Benghazi. Now that’s a very simple story, but there is something wrong with it. Do you know what it is? Think about it. Al Qaeda ostensibly took down the World Trade Center Towers, three of them. Al Qaeda is America’s archenemy. That being the case, why was Al Qaeda twenty miles from Benghazi and why would the US Army not blow their camp to paradise? And why would Jennifer Griffin not ask that question? You see, none of that makes sense.
but it does make sense. It all makes sense once you reset the paradigm
through which you understand these events. And yes, it takes researching
the possibilities, some speculation, some conjecture, some reverse engineering
to ultimately discover the truth behind the narratives the government/MSM
places before you each day. But with enough study, even considering
viewpoints from news sources most have never heard of, the world can come into
focus. And it is from that place that my articles arrive at your
doorstep. When I submit a tidbit for your consideration, such as private
banks issue our currency, that morsel was paid for by time, study and whatever
intellectual gifts I’m given, put to work analyzing the matters I discuss each
do not always get everything 100% right. No one does, especially
considering the amount of misinformation and disinformation fed into our minds
each day. But as time passes, if you open your mind to consider
possibilities you never imagined, and dig beyond the narratives of your
favorite news source, you will soon discover that the events and circumstances
you hear about each day will begin to make more sense. Opening your mind
to that new paradigm is why I write. That paradigm is one in which only
truth exists, and falsehood, when discovered, is discarded. When all
Americans understand and operate off the same set of facts, their political
opinions converge. That is how we unite.
And understand one thing, that the government, at least prior to Trump, and the MSM have had a different purpose, one designed to tear us apart, dangling stories we might like better than the truth as bait. When we don’t like the stories on NBC, they give us CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News. Isn’t it wonderful that we can choose our own reality? But the fact is that any truth on all those networks is woven among lies. Therefore, you cannot trust any of it. To really understand the truth, one must work at it. That’s what I do.
And supporting all that institutionalized deceit is the ability for private institutions to freely issue dollars and remain unaccountable for what they do with them. You see, I just brought this discussion home.
And understand one thing, that the government, at least prior to Trump, and the MSM have had a different purpose, one designed to tear us apart, dangling stories we might like better than the truth as bait. When we don’t like the stories on NBC, they give us CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News. Isn’t it wonderful that we can choose our own reality? But the fact is that any truth on all those networks is woven among lies. Therefore, you cannot trust any of it. To really understand the truth, one must work at it. That’s what I do.
And supporting all that institutionalized deceit is the ability for private institutions to freely issue dollars and remain unaccountable for what they do with them. You see, I just brought this discussion home.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody
GA Tea Party Leader
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