Monday, July 7, 2014

Agenda 21 = Death

U.N.‘s urban plan­ning pro­gram turns the pop­u­la­tion into mere serfs who are eas­ily con­trolled by the government Signed in 1992 by mul­ti­ple nations, includ­ing the United States, the United Nations Agenda 21 Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment pro­gram is an urban plan­ning “action plan” which calls for gov­ern­ment to even­tu­ally take con­trol of all land use with­out leav­ing any deci­sion mak­ing in the hands of pri­vate prop­erty owners.  The over­all intent of Agenda 21, which can be best described as neo-feudalism, is to expand gov­ern­ment power at the expense of indi­vid­ual lib­er­ties by mak­ing the pop­u­la­tion more depen­dent on city infra­struc­ture con­trolled by the government.
Some of the cur­rent urban plan­ning trends of Agenda 21 include but are not lim­ited to:  - The clo­sure of rural land for pub­lic use and the ero­sion of rural prop­erty ownership  - The devel­op­ment of “multi-use” con­dos with the first floor des­ig­nated for busi­nesses cater­ing to the ten­ants above, encour­ag­ing condo dwellers to remain close to home much like serfs from the Mid­dle Ages  - The pur­pose­ful lack of easy free­way access in cities which sim­i­larly ensures that res­i­dents never ven­ture far from their neighborhoods  - The con­struc­tion of expen­sive and inef­fi­cient pub­lic rail sys­tems in cities in order to increase cen­tral­ized gov­ern­ment con­trol while also reduc­ing – and even out­right ban­ning – the use of pri­vate trans­porta­tion such as cars  - The accel­er­ated imple­men­ta­tion of toll roads, espe­cially toll roads that dis­cour­age dri­ving by increas­ing prices for trav­el­ing alone or for dri­ving in “con­gested” areas  - Util­i­ties mon­i­tored by “Smart Meters” which can be con­trolled – and shut off – remotely by pub­lic util­ity companies
While Agenda 21 pro­po­nents con­stantly sug­gest that the pro­gram is sim­ply “vol­un­tary,” this is a moot point when so many Amer­i­can cities are already imple­ment­ing Agenda 21 which clearly ben­e­fits the gov­ern­ment at the expense of its citizens.
Source: July 1, 2014, Posted on July 6, 2014 Written by InfoWars Filed Under: Agenda 21, Property Rights, Smart Grid, Smart Growth, Transportation
Fighting Agenda 21 at the local level consumes most of the time the 5000 Tea Parties in the U.S. spend their time on. This is part of a well-orchestrated blitzkrieg being waged against the American voters by the federal government. It is governance by bribery with “matching” federal grants for “economic development”.  The result is lots of fluff, lots of pot holes and lots of farmers forced into bankruptcy.  This is where the extra $trillion a year is going.  We are borrowing and printing money to fund our own destruction.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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