Tuesday, July 29, 2014

UN Agenda 21 California

Billionaires and U.N. agendas
Posted on July 28, 2014 Written by Cherie Zaslawsky
Kudos to Matt Gro­cott for address­ing U.N. Agenda 21 in Sue Lempert’s col­umn in the July 21 edi­tion of the Daily Jour­nal. The idea of a “U.N. plot” sounds nutty at first, until you real­ize the U.N. acts largely as a front for the bil­lion­aires and politi­cos push­ing this agenda. Recall that Rock­e­feller funded the U.N. head­quar­ters in New York City; Ted Turner donated $1 bil­lion to the U.N. Gates has given $26 bil­lion to “phil­an­thropy” — much to U.N. pro­grams; Buf­fett gave $31 bil­lion to Gates. Appar­ently these glob­al­ists love Agenda 21, essen­tially a two-tiered total­i­tar­ian sys­tem — every­thing severely rationed for us — food, water, hous­ing, energy, land-use, health care, etc. — and lim­it­less for the rul­ing elite.
In 2009, Rock­e­feller, Gates, Soros, Turner and Buf­fett gath­ered for a “let’s change the world” meet­ing. When these multi-billionaires dine together, we the peo­ple are on the menu. They have the com­bined power of a mighty coun­try — one poten­tially hos­tile to America’s free­dom and sovereignty.
Agenda 21, aka “Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment,” calls for “human set­tle­ments” in “tran­sit vil­lages” with only pub­lic tran­sit, no cars. Inter­est­ingly, San Car­los already has an approved tran­sit vil­lage, and the planned “Grand Boule­vard Ini­tia­tive” would turn El Camino Real into mainly a bus route. Fur­ther­more, “Plan Bay Area,” a regional blue­print for all our cities, co-opts local con­trol, rezones your prop­erty out from under you and forces urban­ized high-density hous­ing projects on our sub­urbs — all con­sis­tent with Agenda 21’s tem­plate. Res­i­dents should edu­cate them­selves and protest these regional plans that trump indi­vid­ual rights while urban­iz­ing and homog­e­niz­ing our cities. Our free­dom hangs in the balance.  Cherie Zaslawsky, Menlo Park

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