Saturday, July 12, 2014

Expand Offshore Access

Right now, 87 percent of U.S. offshore areas are closed to energy development. This unwarranted restriction is costing our nation and our industry. The price of restricted access is lost American jobs and slower economic growth. Limited offshore access also undermines America’s energy security.
But now we have a chance to make a positive change. Please help our industry gain increased access to offshore areas…
Tell the Obama Administration to Expand Offshore Access!
For just a few more weeks, the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is accepting public comments before it issues its next 5-year (2017-2022) plan for offshore energy leases. As an industry, we must submit comments that send a loud and clear message: Expand offshore access for oil and natural gas development.
What’s at Stake:
* Energy development along the Atlantic seaboard could create nearly 280,000 new jobs.
* Expanded access in the Pacific and eastern Gulf of Mexico could add another 200,000 jobs.
* Total new government revenues—from leases, taxes, and royalties—could surpass $235 billion over 18 years.
Please write BOEM today! It takes just a few minutes to submit your comments.
Source: email, also:

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