Monday, July 7, 2014

Fulton County Overspending

Like thieves in the night
They overtax. They overspend. Now they want to break state law. As you probably already know, tax-and-spend politicians have been ruining Fulton County's finances for years. The situation has gotten so bad that state lawmakers recently forbade Fulton County from raising property taxes.
But Fulton commissioners are so hell-bent on wasting your tax dollars that they are willing to break that law to do it!
Fulton commissioners first approved a budget that would have overspent your tax dollars by $36 MILLION.
That number doesn't even account for all of the wasteful
boondoggles in the rest of their $569 MILLION spending spree!  As if that level of waste and wealth destruction wasn't
enough, commissioners amended the county budget to increase wasteful spending by another $56 MILLION!
That raised their reckless spending to $625 MILLION with a whopping $40 MILLION in deficits and a crushing $51 MILLION property tax hike!
Can your wallet take much more of this abuse?
Instead of making much needed spending cuts, commissioners voted to:
Increase their own spending to $4.4 MILLION[1],
Increase tax collection spending to $28.9 MILLION[2], and
Increase "non-agency" spending to $93.1 MILLION.
Don't stand for it. Contact your commissioners and INSIST that they cut spending across the board to balance the county budget and REDUCE taxes.
Here is an email that you can copy, paste, edit to your
liking, and send:;;;
DO NOT raise my property taxes!
Be responsible stewards of my taxpayer dollars, CUT the
budget, and LOWER my taxes! Your tax hike scheme is not only irresponsible, but it is also illegal!
Pursuing this tax hike will only serve to discredit you and
to cost taxpayers even more money in wasteful litigation!
Let these politicians know that you will hold them
accountable at the polls should they vote for this illegal tax
hike scheme. You and I have to balance our budgets to make ends meet. So should they!
Fulton commissioners are so hell-bent on wasting your tax dollars that they are willing to break state law to do it!
Their illegal plan recklessly spends $625 MILLION of your
money with a whopping $40 MILLION in deficits and a crushing $51 MILLION property tax hike!
Contact your commissioners and tell them that you will not
stand for them treating your home like their personal piggy-bank! Jul 7, 2014 7:36 AM by Nathan Adams President Georgia Taxpayers United <>..
Because Georgia Taxpayers United is tax-exempt under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4)  and because of its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC Sec. 170) or as business  deductions (IRC Sec. 162(e)(1)). 

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