Monday, July 7, 2014


Update on the Plan to Crash our Economy
"It's better to walk alone than walking with a crowd going in the wrong direction" Diane Grant  This government calls it white most of the time and I call it black and getting blacker each and every day. I call it the way I see it. " Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill."  unknown
Most people do not understand the terrible damage being done by government regulators. "The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates" Cicero
The Dodd Frank Bill restricts credit to the private sector, Obamacare mandates heath care benefits  with its 20 new taxes, the EPA attacks affordable energy, the HOAX of climate change, runaway regulations on the small business man. Under Obama, government is slowly, gradually taking control of the economy. Not the ownership but the control , which is a much smarter plan. It is brilliant. Obama gets the same outcome with none of the risk and no blame when businesses fail. We are going down to a Third World Status under this President. Is that plain enough talk for the reader.?? You don't believe me. Just give it time. Just stand around and watch us go down. We just had a minus 2.9% gross domestic product. What does the reader think is happening???
The United States is a consumer economy caught in a downward spiral. It is now a welfare state that has forgotten the essence of capitalism and its benefits of wealth creation toward a sustained standard of living. It is now a nation of prevalent bond fraud that is protected by the banker mafia in government. It is a nation dependent on a feeding tube of QE (Quantitative Easing) and U.S. Fed recklessness. The U.S. industry, large and small, urgently needs capital expenditures all across the board. Its banks are grotesquely dependent on what I call monopoly money, unwilling to lend to a crippled business sector. All the banks are drowning in derivatives.
But just what does that mean to the average person? I keep saying that the U.S. ois way past bankruptcy. So I list a few facts that might have some meaning to the educated individual:
JP Morgan Chase  Zombie Bank  Total assets $1.75 trillion Total exposure to derivatives $71 trillion and rising
Citi Bank Zombie Bank Total Assets $ 1.3 trillion
Total exposure to derivatives $60 trillion and rising
Bank of America  Zombie BankTotal assets  $1.4 trillion Total Exposure to derivatives $42 trillion and rising
Goldman Sachs   Zombie Bank Total Assets  $113 Billion dollars ( not trillion) Total Exposure to derivatives  $43 trillion  and rising   Source ( J.S. Mine Set and some from the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis
The too big to fail are taking over as the number of U.S. banks falls to an all time low. What will it take for some or any of these derivatives to fail? What will it take to start the dominoes falling? The leverage is something like 30 to 60 to 1
July 4th is coming as I write this, which date is a symbol of our freedom, yet this nation is being converted into a land of fascists, with only about 10% realizing that this is happening. We are the land of slowly boiling frogs in that pot I talk about.  Liberty is gone, Rights are gone. The free press is gone. Industry is gone. Home equity is gone. The Free market is gone. Gold is gone from our country. Law enforcement at the highest level is gone. The banks are dead, insolvent pillars of power. Our nation is horribly isolated on the world stage. You, the reader, are the witness to " The Fascist Business Model" and to a president who is leading us down this path with 90% of the people not realizing it.
The foreigners have demanded an end to U.S. dollar abuse and its debasement by the Fed. However, this country is unable to get itself off the feeding tube of printed money. Thus, this present U.S. dollar is going to be devalued substantially. First by the printing of money which will cause substantial inflation, then by the actual devaluation overnight and not just gradually. I believe that is coming with a vengeance. Most who I talk to do not believe me. Devalue our currency--it will never happen is the retort.
U.S. based businesses are being destroyed faster than they are being created. What we now have in this country is a turning point where the capitalist spirit is dying in the United States. It is being killed by those who believe in a Socialist form of government..  And yet, Socialism has NEVER worked for any period of time. It always fails and the reasoning is pretty simple and psychological.  "Socialism is the equal spreading of misery" Margaret Thatcher  It is the taking of money (taxing) those who work for a living (the rich and the middle class)  and giving it those who do not work for a living but are on handouts. What always happens (over time) is that those who are taxed, fined, regulated will eventually not show up for work, will disappear from the scene. The government (any government)  then left to print money to keep the fiction going. Does this situation sound familiar to the reader.
If a country is living on natural resources, Socialism works only so long at those resources hold out and even then Socialism squanders those resources. Such example might be Venezuela, Argentina, Norway, Sweden and now most of Europe is so broke. that now the Euro is living on being printed out of existence..
There is FRAUD in every asset class across the board.
That means that every single asset class of investment has been manipulated by this government. The stock market in the U.S. and those across the world are supported by trillions of printed money injected into the system. I often wonder how much longer I am going to be writing these Remarks. After all, I just turned 80 and how much longer before one gets dementia or Alzheimer disease.  That may sound morbid to some, but these thoughts do occur to me.
And as a disclosure statement, what I have to say is predominately my opinion based on research and the love of finance. and the use of common sense. This common sense comes from not paying attention to most of what the controlled media has to say. Reaching the few people who read my letter is not going to change anything .I write these Remarks just for the enjoyment I get and  it keeps my thought process sharp.
I have made, in these and past Remarks , sometimes  startling statements that come from prodigious research and reading. For instance, more than 70 million people in this country have an IQ of 90 or less. (Bureau of Labor Statistics) A decent IQ might be 125 or more. Very good intelligence might be 160 or more. Or I might say to you, who owns the Bank of America. Your answer might be its stock holders. I might then ask you who is the major controlling stockholder? And the answer is the" Vatican Bank." Source Karen Hudes, Chief Counsel, World Bank. So whenever the U.S. goes after the Bank of America for fines and fraud, they are really going after the Vatican. How do you really think that is going to turn out??? But you will never find that in any newspaper. 
And the reason I mention this is because I wonder how much of what I say really sinks in to the average mind or the average person walking around. Our public schools and high schools are now turning our finished products that are mentally deficient in very many areas. And that is putting is kindly. I am usually dealing with the financial and economic and political areas. I make the statement to you that our country, according to debt held by foreigners, is literally gone. China is buying up in this country wherever it can and as fast as it can, and most people are not even aware of this. Just as a small for instance, they are buying up as much of Detroit as they can, and for literally nothing..
You may not agree with some or any of these statements, you may write E mails to me, you could even send me hate mail, but it all has been researched. My only problem is how scary what I say, is this for you to comprehend?  For instance;
The middle class is dying and it is being done on purpose by the people in power in the U.S.. They are being taxed into oblivion. There will be many more new taxes so long as Obama is not checked. And I will show you this later in this letter. It is through stealth taxes that middle class destruction takes place. Any time you see remarks of the government wanting to tax the rich more, the object is really the middle class that is further taxed. The rich can pay further taxes and still be rich, the middle class cannot afford more taxes and will go to oblivion. Every tax bill encompassing the rich, also goes after the middle class or small business class.
In many of my past Remarks I have said that inflation is coming to this country, like a tsunami. At least 20% this year alone in food, fuel, utilities, etc. It is commonly called price inflation on almost everything. I have mentioned inflation in probably the past 10 letters. But it will only sink through the mind of the average person when it hits their pocket book--like it is doing now.
And the coming inflation is simple to figure out if you have some education. You see, 80% of all our Treasuries that are issued are bought by this country’s printing money out of thin air to buy them. Very few countries will buy our debt now. This is called in economics, monetizing the debt and this is the most inflationary thing that can happen. to our country or any country.. It is DEBT ( DEATH) by the printing press. And if you understood what I am saying you would then come to the conclusion, how can I avoid my money becoming worthless by this printing? The word, monetization, the single most devastating destructive act to any currency. Look this word up. 
And yet the VELOCITY of money is the lowest in 20 years. Velocity is the rate at which money moves ( is spent) through the economy. It is ZERO or near zero Firstly, 90% of the money printed goes to keep the banks semi solvent or on a breathing tube. There are continuous derivative losses that must  be offset ( more about this later in this report) In addition,. people are just not spending, or simply do not have the money to spend. Without Velocity there can be no growth. So all of the GDP ( Gross Domestic Product) that you often see  touted is fiction. You now have a five fold increase in the money supply and an average of a 20% decrease in the velocity of money. A third reason for the decrease in velocity is LOW INTEREST RATES There is no incentive to save as one gets nothing for his money and that is done on purpose. Right now you have no GDP. It is a minus GDP.
Perhaps to put it to the reader in blacker terms, the U.S. economy is in a free fall--stark evidence screaming full collapse ahead as the monetary velocity falls to 20 year lows. (stated again) God-don't you know that there can never be a recovery of any kind unless this velocity turns up and money is spent???? It is one of the axioms of basic economics. We have endless wars to defend the dollar from loosing its world reserve status--all to no end. Printing endless money to maintain the fake demand for U.S. Treasuries. Endless Wall Street Fraud hardly being prosecuted. All will be futile in the bitter end coming.
In addition, people should understand that adding any kind of interest hike  like 2% or so, would increase the interest expense on the national debt by $560 billion annually.. Thus, there can be no interest rate rise (on purpose) unless your government looses control of the financial strings. Interest rates cannot be permitted to go up. If interest rates do, by chance rise, you would then have interest paid on interest, and game over soon.
What is growing at an astounding rate is the DEBT bubble. It is the biggest bubble in the history of this country. We must continuously borrow money into existence. and this is to defend the dollar as the world's reserve currency and the petro dollar. Both of these ( the petro dollar and the reserve currency status) are coming to an end.
And what I have said in past Remarks is that when this happens, major inflation will hit this country like the Tsunami that I talk about .I have mentioned that the average person is not able to keep up with inflation and keeping his head above water, Not even if he is on some sort of a welfare handout. People can no longer borrow on their homes as that source has been tapped out. So they are borrowing on their pensions and 401K plans, even if there is a 10% penalty. The inflation right now is touted at a Joseph Goebbles 2%, but in the last six months it has been 9% and now it is exploding with the Iraq debacle. Am I right? All I have to do to be right is to wait.
It is my opinion that the objective of this government is to slowly crash the economy and institute Fascism. To quote Vice President Biden," The purpose of government is to institute a new world order" Those are his words, not mine. How do I get this thought across to the people reading my Remarks?  To accomplish this they must first make things so bad that the people will no longer object to such a new world order, and even ask for it. This may be hard to believe, but all I have to do it wait as it unfolds.
In the last Remarks I mentioned that according to the charts and graphs, ( Stock Charts .com) the bear market in all the precious metals was over. That also goes for the gold mining stocks. That a new bull market has started for these stocks and precious metals that will take them to breath taking heights. Nothing goes straight up, but it will almost seem like that. The precious metals have been beaten down without mercy and most of the gold stocks have lost 90% of their value. All this is now over and you will see the march upward. The place to be, as said so many times in the past, is in gold and silver. These items in the past 12 years, in spite of being knocked down and sold illegally naked short, have gone up over 400%, far outdistancing the stock market. People do not comprehend this because of the NEGATIVE description of gold by the continuous media attacks.. People still do not comprehend that gold and silver are the only REAL money.
But people due not realize this because of the propaganda of the media, which constantly demonizes the precious metals. Get it through your heads that there is only one real money, gold, for five thousand years. That no currency has lasted in the same form for more than 75 years. That there is a constant depreciation in the dollars that you hold,and it is not 2% a year as said so many times by your government. The more ignorant you are about finance and economics, the better your government likes it.
My investment position is 85% in gold, silver, platinum, some cash, and some MLP's ( Master Limited Partnerships) for tax deferred income.  For what I see coming, it is not good to trust the banks with your money in any form... My precious metal holdings have been in this proportion through gold going from $1911 down  to $1250. and now at this writing $1320. It will probably be that way for the next four years or longer. Right now gold is going up because the threat of war in at least three different places. And I have mentioned in the past that this will be the first driving force to send the metals up.. WAR. and this WAR is going to spread. The war cycle charts, as said several times in previous letters, are almost vertical. That means straight up.
In previous Remarks I have pointed out that the real first disaster facing the world is not the U.S. but Europe. The European economy is dying (So is ours) . Europe is collapsing in the nightmarish consequence of horrendous policy decisions--and the most ill advised if you go back many years, was the implementation of the EURO, not to also mention the euro-region's mountain of debts that are going bad. Europe is in a depression, and worse than that it is in a deflationary depression that can only get worse.. Europe is a place where over $120 million people live in poverty--one out of every six people- Where total unemployment in many countries is over 20%--where youth unemployment is greater than 60%. Once a deflationary depression starts, it cannot be stopped until bankruptcy is declared. A destruction of the EURO. Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, France Greece are totally broke, bankrupt. They live on printed money by the European Central Bank. Sooner or later one or several of these countries will pull out of the Euro. That is to come, possibly in a year or so. The European Central Bank, like our Federal Reserve is printing money as fast as they can.
But in addition to printing money the European Central Bank, headed by Mario Draghi, last week rolled out a new weapon; the charging any European Bank that wishes to deposit funds with the ECB, a negative interest rate, or penalty, of minus 0.10 percent.  That means this negative percent will be passed on to depositors. Imagine charging depositors a negative interest rate to keep money on deposit. And I believe that will eventually be coming to the U.S. This is done to make people spend money and not keep it with any bank. Do you want me to repeat that sentence? Negative interest rates.
To repeat to the reader, before this great financial crisis comes to a close, you are going to see our very own Federal Reserve implement negative deposit rates which is trying to get commercial banks to lend money into the economy. To repeat for emphasis, negative interest rates are possible a year or two away for U.S. depositors.
Europe's negative central bank interest rate---which is the first time ever that a central bank has had to take such a drastic measure really sends a loud and clear signal that Europe's economy is a basket case and is in worse shape that most people realize. The Euro is on its death bed, only the reader does not know this.
Negative interest rates should see the demise of the Euro much quicker. There is nothing to prevent money in European banks from going elsewhere, and mostly I believe into the U.S ,stock market. This fleeing of money will further depress the whole European situation and strengthen (temporarily) the U.S. dollar.
I believe the U.S. stock market plus commodities are the only two places for money to flee to. There is simply not enough gold or silver to handle the influx of scared money, so the stock market seems the place for the vast sum of money to go to. I think we could see 25,000 on the Dow as this influx of fleeing European money will drive up the Dow. That includes select mining shares to start their own bull market. Before that 25,000 I am covering myself by saying that this market is overdue for a correction. However, your government, through the infusion of money into the market, is not letting that correction happen.
But I believe the Draghi negative deposit rate won't matter at all when it comes to Europe's depression. This depression will only end when the Euro breaks apart and each country is allowed to take back its own currency, then devalue their currencies, and stroke the flames of inflation.
Until then, I believe Europe is going to sink deeper and deeper into a depression. And the longer Europe's policymakers try to stick to their one currency for all policy, the worse the social chaos in Europe will become, as the war cycles I have mentioned many times keep ramping up ever higher.
Global Politics
It is war in the Ukraine,war in Iraq, and thus Iran, War in Syria, and eventually war will spill over into the entire middle east. From what I read and understand, the Suni soldiers that have invaded Iraq were trained and armed in Jordan by U.S. advisors to fight in Syria but have turned on Iraq instead. The problem, as I understand it, is that whichever side we might take, we would be getting involved in a 1400 year hatred between Sunni and Shite. Saudi Arabia and most of the Arab world is Sunni. Iran, Syria and about 50% of Iraq is Shite. The by-product of this Iraqi war will be a possible interruption in Iraq oil which makes up about 10% of the world's supply. This interruption would be enough to push oil in our country to between $4-5 dollars a gallon for gas. It would further squeeze the lower and middle class., and raise inflation in this country--as I have stated in so many past letters. I don't really like to discuss politics but it is now an integral part of finance.
In just the last Remarks, I went into the story of the slowly boiling frog in that pot of water. I stated that you and I was that frog, slowly dying in our economy I mentioned that the real objective of Obama was the small business owner, who is the main engine of job creation. 70% of all jobs come from small business. Yet Obama aims every tax increase at small business Does that make sense to you, the reader?? Only if the plan is to boil the frog slowly. I mentioned that Obama is all about redistribution and retribution. But he calls it fairness, equality and social justice. He is a master at the false language and certainly the false promise. And that is not me talking but a huge amount of commentators.
Let us label massive tax increases" small". Let us also call them" fair' Get in front of many hand picked audiences and scream tax the rich. Print that over and over again in the media. Propose so many taxes and regulations and mandates that no one can never keep track of all of them.  Then hide the details in small print, never to be reported by the media. Keep demonizing the small business owner to the masses. Little by little Obama takes away the small business man and thus 70% of America's jobs. The jobs report is pure fiction. It is called Obamageddon.    But the reader thinks I am kidding. How many jobs have to be lost (or given up looking for a job, before the reader believes???) There are now 14 million people unemployed and more underemployed.
Allow me to crystallize just one bill passed recently, the Affordable Health Care Bill, which about five Remarks ago I labeled the worst bill ever passed by any Congress. The most destructive bill ever, (God help us) and second only to the Dodd Frank Bill just coming on stream on July 1, 2014.
Obamacare Health Bill   20,000 pages that no Congressman ever read, not even close. This bill contained the following tax increases. (A synopsis of some reports)  It is a TAX BILL
The Top income bracket went from 35% to 39.6%
The top income payroll tax went from 37.4% to 52.2%  (the lowest salaries got hit the hardest) 
Capital gains tax went from 15% to 28% ( we are the only country with a capital gains tax)
Dividends tax went from 15% to 39.6% (you who live on stock dividends)
Estate tax went from 0% to 55% (these are just a few taxes in this monstrosity)
Taxes on 500 or more items, either added or raised.
This new act is responsible for a huge 6% drop off in medical spending and thus part of the minus 2.9% latest GDP. People do not like this new health care bill as it provides less care for more money. People, in general, like to chose for themselves. This new health bill gives you three options all costing more money and with bigger deductions. What your government tries to do in most cases, is to pass a law or a new regulation removing your ability to chose for yourself. It is becoming an epidemic of unconstitutional government.
This foreshadows the coming bailout of the entire health insurance industry as its business is literally collapsing from government mandated policy cancellations in 2013 that have never been replaced. As I analyze it, Obamacare is much higher priced and delivers much less services. And the Private sector will not return as there is now no incentive to do so.
I am not a Democrat or a Republican but an independent, and do independent thinking, not what is printed by our Josef Goebbels media.. All these taxes were passed under the Affordable Care Act alias Obamacare. Remember, if you have money, it seems the Democrats want it. I say this because only Democrats voted for this bill, no Republicans voted for these taxes. But it really does not matter at this moment. We are going down, big time. (my opinion) The damage is being done every day and nothing is being done to stop it.
My focus is on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, both being done away with gradually not only by this present government, but the previous administrations as well. The Patriot Act (passed by Bush, the younger) gives the government, if it deems you so, to take away the right of Habeas Corpus, a lawyer for you, a jury trial, for indefinite detention and on and on. That is your Constitution right there.
Not only does your present government violate the Constitution, and many of the current laws of the land with impunity, but it violates the laws of economics and those laws you cannot violate without consequences. There is no impunity here. You have higher taxes, bigger government, ever more debt, a government takeover of healthcare---all of these will combine to kill more jobs. Small businesses will lay off more employees so they never have to deal with Obamacare ( which kicks in at 50 employees) Big business will lay off more employees to deal with higher taxes, more mandates, and of course to pay for Obamacare, which will not save you $2500 but be much more expensive. How many lies does this administration have to tell you before the reader wakes up??  WAKE UP.
Jobs will be shipped overseas to places where taxes are lower and health insurance is not mandatory. These are the consequences of Obama's socialist policies The only way I can be wrong is if the results are hidden-- because so many workers are dropping out of the workforce and are not counted by our honest and ethical government.
We have a growing UNION crisis in this country with Obama's best friends and biggest campaign contributors---government employee unions-- pitted against private sector taxpayers. (That is you the boiling frog) Obama has appointed new members to the labor relations board (NLRB) who are so RADICAL, that it is clear to me that Obama's goal is to empower Unions to completely take over the private sector. He did these appointments without the approval of Congress and all of them were recently declared unconstitutional.
If the reader is not convinced of the Union takeover  Obama saved GM and Chrysler by taking these companies from their rightful owner ( the actual stockholders and bondholders) or secured creditors and handing ownership to his biggest contributors, the auto Unions -the very groups whose outrageous salaries  and obscene pensions bankrupted these companies in the first place. The stockholders, bondholders were wiped out.  Did you see this story in the media??? .
To put it to the reader another way, he "saved" the auto industry by loosing $26 billion and counting, of the tax payer dollars (that's you). The losses could eventually reach $70 billion.. That is loosing tens of billions of dollars to save the auto unions' pensions that vote Democratic. He then closed hundreds of auto dealerships that mostly contributed to the Republican sector.
I would have to say that  this is the greatest SCAM of all time. It certainly is greater than the Union cronyism. Obama has handed out hundreds of billions to his biggest campaign contributors, and all in the name of "green energy" I only have to think of one company, Solyndra, which went bankrupt and cost the taxpayers $526 million dollars. But there are literally hundreds of these so called green government investments with your money being handed to green energy companies you have never heard of. At least 50 of these green companies are bankrupt or close to out of business--but you see none of this mentioned in the media.
Obama's contributors (the CEO's and investors in these companies) will walk away with hundreds of millions of your taxpayer dollars.  Possibly it would make the reader sick if one could ever find out how many Obama supporters became multi millionaires from this fraud.
It should surprise no one that this Green Crap is the same as the road to nowhere. But what is this green stuff all about??
Green energy is the "scam" to allow Obama and his socialist friends to take control of vast swaths of U.S. industry, manufacturing and waste tax payer dollars thus enriching his cronies and contributors and then redistribute income from business owners and homeowners  to Obama voters. That is my opinion and it is a broad statement gotten from research.
In case anyone is interested the housing collapse (contrary to the media)  is now worse that at the peak of the great depression. Just on TV ( Fox) this morning, more than 30 million homeowners are having great difficulty keeping up with their mortgages. Many of the 30 million are defaulting on their payments. Since jobs are scarce and new jobs pay much less ( part time for most) and because of inflation, people are having great difficult just surviving. Of course, the poor are subsidized by the government. All this, is all taught by Cloward and Piven. You cannot be interested in saving the U.S. economy if you reject the Keystone pipeline and by trying to make coal extinct. Obama is boiling the frog slowly. If you do not see this in our economy, you will.
(my opinion)
The way I see it, for all intents and purposes Obama has taken control of the auto industry (bailing out GM and Chrysler for the Unions), has full control of the student loan industry with now $1.2 trillion in debt for 80% of all students, the healthcare industry with the worst bill in history ( and you will see this in time) and the banking industry. You do not need to actually owns these industries to control them.  If you bail them out and they are beholden to you, you control them.
If Obama had gotten his way in his first term Cap and Trade would have passed ( it did not) giving complete control  of every industry in America, with the power to double or triple your  electric bills. Since it did not happen, your president has skirted Congress by merely ordering the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to slowly accomplish the same thing with new rules and regulations for the coal industry.. He has waited till after the election before implementing these myriads of new rules,that will kill jobs, and thus slow down our economy. Let me just give you one example of many.
There are now new EPA rules making it impossible for coal companies to stay in business. The overall picture can be described as a tragedy.  Under Onama, America's 522 coal plants have dwindled down to 395, with more closing every week. (Source BlS The Bank for International Settlements) The object is to put the entire coal industry out of business. America operates with oil and coal as the major source of energy. 
There is a way to defend yourself from this Obama induced disaster coming. Actually, it is here already. That way is to put most of your savings into precious metals and take delivery of these metals. Few will listen to me and many intelligent people will also ignore what I have to say. All I tell the reader to do is what I have done for myself. I will not lose one bit of sleep if you do not follow what I have done. Many simply no longer have the means to save, but now just try to survive the slowly increasing inflation. But what am it telling people to do?. It is to convert paper money to real money- gold and silver. If you need money, sell a gold coin when you need it.
Bubble always burst--there is no exception to this statement. You have right now three big (the biggest) bubbles in world history, and they have grown in size like the Hindenberg. /they are sovereign debt, fiat currency, (paper monopoly money) and big government spending. And they will all end like the Hindenberg--in a ball of flames.
Gold and other precious metals must be the foundation of your financial survival plan for this Administration for the next several years. In my opinion, precious metals can help protect your assets, survive, thrive, and prosper, on anything that this administration throws your way. I am not anti- government, but anti economically what they are doing. In a few short words, they are CRASHING this economy. You will have to survive the next several years of Obama and they are going to get much worse. (my opinion) You cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
People, friends always tell me about the stock market, what they have made (almost never what they have lost over time,) they tell me about hedge fund managers and what they have made. But virtually no one tells me about gold over the past 20 years. It is like gold did not exist. They tell me about Warren Buffett, who is regarded as one of the greatest and smartest investors in the world.
Yet since 2000, the price of gold has outperformed the price of Warren Buffett's publicly traded company Berkshire Hathaway by over 300%.
Obamageddon first and foremost means that you must understand what Obama is doing to the currency, the dollar. He is destroying is faster than any other President in history." He totally ignores, most of the time, the other branches of government." Juliani Gold is the only form of money that has outlasted the debauchery of everyone in office. Through five millennia. That is why it has to be part of any survival plan.   And yet, in letter after letter I have to convince people to buy gold and silver. Crazy isn't it?  The people are just dumbed down.
From January 2000 to January 2013, gold produced a thirteen year return of 484% as measured in U.S. dollars. In that same thirteen year period, investors earned 138% in bonds, 35% in real estate, and 25% in stocks. Forbes Nothing goes straight up and gold has been artificially beaten down from 1900 to 1200. That beating down is over.
Gold, in my opinion, is on its way to easily doubling in price and silver quadrupling.  The leverage in silver is much greater. Gold, just to keep up with the inflation in this country should be $2400 today. You can start with that for a minimum in price that it will go to.
To give it to the reader straight, the economy in real terms is not recovering, and in nominal terms the piles of debt and the leverage keep expanding and it is then called growth. Rising DEBT is not growth. It is DEBT to the sky. That is Obama. As put to you above, there is a collapse in healthcare spending, a collapse in private investment, a surge in imports, and a collapse in exports.
The entire engineered " recovery" since 2009 has been nothing but a Federal Reserve/U.S. Treasury conceived debt manufactured scam. These highly educated totally brain dead followers of the establishment have been tasked with keeping the U.S. Titanic afloat until the oligarchs (big shots) can safely depart on their lifeboats with all the ships jewels, gold, silver, platinum safely stowed in their pockets. Washington is now full of newly made and paid off millionaires. The total millionaires have overtaken those of Palm Beach, Florida. The new millionaires come from lobbyists who pay off Congressmen, Senators, and the like for favoritism. Remember Obama, "There will be no more lobbyists coming to the White House. We will do away with them" So much for anther campaign promise.
There has been and will be no recovery as long as Obama rules the roost. There has been no auto sales recovery. The whole auto industry can be described as a repossession in waiting. Just a repeat of the mortgage loan, no money down, liar loans disaster, except instead of housing, it is with cars now. Giving a vehicle  to someone with a 580 credit score with a 0% seven year loan is not a sale to me. Even intelligent people cannot see this. I wait for the repossession. It is a disaster coming
The government supplied student loans are mostly going to functional illiterates who are majoring in texting, facebooking and twittering. Do you think these University dropouts living in their parents basements are going to spur a housing and retail sales recovery?
In my opinion, Obama is trying to keep the confidence game going for a while longer. I do not think it is succeeding. I see that Walmart executives called most of 2013" a total disaster" with the worst sales in seven years. (Did you see that in the media?)
I believe his master plan has failed miserably in reviving the economy, and I believe it is intentional by a very smart stealth Marxist. Savings, capital investment, and debt reduction are the necessary ingredients for a sustained and healthy economic system. (That is what you learn in economics 101) What you are given now is a DEBT based personal consumption of cheap foreign produced items and gadgets, a one trillion dollar government of continuous deficits to sustain the welfare/warfare state, and topped off with a corrupt political (oh God so corrupt)  and a rigged ( God so rigged) financial system which all is leading to blowing our economic system sky high.
 You, the reader, can ignore facts and the corrupt media can convince the willfully ignorant to remain so. The Federal Reserve can buy every Treasury bond issued to fund this out of control government. But eventually there comes the reality that will shatter the delusions of millions of people as this DEBT base Ponzi scheme will run out of duping the public ( the slowly boiling frogs in that pot of hot water) and collapse this economy in a flaming heap. Till later.
Research from:
The Wall St Journal, Financial Times, Zero Hedge, Stock Charts .com Shadow Statistics
Der Spiegel, Bild Am Sonntag Newspaper, Rob Kirby, Financial Times, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, W.R.Root, Economics Magazine, Paul Craig Roberts,, www', Von Mises Institute and many more. 
Source: 2nd Report from Robert via Victoria Baer email.

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