Thursday, May 12, 2016

The UN is the Problem

The League of Nations was founded in 1920 by “Progressives” following World War I and was renamed the United Nations in 1945.  It’s the kind of organization global communists would want.  Governments wanted in on everything and the UN was established by “governments” to do just that. 

There are currently 193 member nations and most are third-world one-party dictatorships with no citizen property rights or citizen political control.  These countries operate like rotating feudal monarchies run by wealthy families or brutal dictators or both.  The game involves the third-world country dictators extracting cash from wealthy productive countries.  These third-world politicians have failed to serve their citizens by refusing to allow private property, sanitation, clean water and a private economy.  Most citizens are “campers” with no electricity.

Global businesses like mining, oil, commodities and raw materials have typically been involved and they insist that western governments continue to fund those third-world countries where they want to do business, extract oil, minerals, etc.  Before the UN, these businesses had to bribe the crooks who run these countries themselves; now that have our governments pay the bribes for them.

UN initiatives over the first 20 years were consumed with getting government funding to horning in on the humanitarian aid missionaries used to do.  Most of the aid flowing through the UN ends up in dictator’s bank accounts.  Missionaries did a much better job and UN corruption is rampant. 

Over the past 50 years the UN has cause a lot of trouble.  They have The global warming scam in 1992 came on the heels of 47 years of failed “peace keeping” and “humanitarian aid” projects riddled with graft, stupidity and corruption.  

About 50 years ago it turned evil.  The UN has passed tons of “Resolutions” aimed at removing our freedoms along with our cash.  They want control of our children, our economies and our cash. The UN claims ownership of US coasts, water, and environmental regulations.  Most of the US House and Senate think the UN “Resolutions” can alter US law.  Europe did everything the UN wanted and now their countries are ruined.  Their electric rates are double and government debt is unsustainable.  European government officials need to be replaced as quickly as possible for ruining these countries.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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