Saturday, June 18, 2016

Federal Overreach History

Unconstitutional actions by the US federal government have been the cause of our past economic decimations and are the cause of our current dilemmas.  The problem is the lack of integrity in our elected officials and the susceptibility in the voters to being easily misled and deceived.  Bribery and emotionalism were the weapons of choice to seduce voters into letting politicians do whatever they wanted, despite the limits provided in the US Constitution.  All of these unconstitutional acts were implemented without the required Constitutional Amendments prescribed in the Constitution.

The Indian Wars from (1776 – 1889) to ignored the fact that the members of these indigenous tribes were “men” who were created equal with inalienable rights to life, liberty and property.  At the time, native people were not recognized as having rights by colonial powers.

The failure of the federal government to end slavery by 1860 in a peaceful and orderly fashion led to the secession of the Southern States and the refusal of the Northern States in allowing the unwise, but Constitutional secession action to stand. 

The next unconstitutional act was the establishment of “National Parks” in the 1870s, despite the fact that the federal government is forbidden to “own” land, except that required to operate in performing their “enumerated powers”.  Now the federal government “owns” one third of the US land-mass and they don’t maintain it, so it burns down every year.  They are now attempting to expand “federal lands” to implement the UN Agenda 21 initiated “Wilding Project”.

The Industrial Revolution in the US ran from 1820 to 1870.  It was kicked off in Britain with the development of the steam engine.  The “Gay Nineties” (1890) was the celebration of all the inventions and advances that had been and were being made.

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx (1848) was translated into English in 1888 and became “must reading” for US “intellectuals” who had no talent for inventing and no knowledge of physics.  The all went to work in “government” and universities.  Some of our budding American Communists were “community organizers” and formed labor unions. In 1920 the American Communist Party published their goals.  All of these goals have been achieved by the US Congress.

In 1913, the Congress violated the Constitution by giving the Federal Reserve the power to “coin money” and “manage” the Private Economy. Congress also passed income taxes and estate taxes designed to decimate families’ ability to pass their earnings to their children and retain earnings to operate family owned companies. The Federal Reserve printed money and created bubbles in the economy resulting in “boom and bust” cycles like the “Roaring 20s” and the Great Depression. 

The federal government continued to concentrate on expanding its unconstitutional influence, but forgot to review its liabilities, like treaties that would lead to large war debt. 

Endless Wars

Consequently, the US entered World War I in 1917, because of its treaty with Britain.  Congress authorized this war.   US companies profited from war material sales to France and Britain, but citizens suffered heavy casualties to end the war.  Central Banks printed the money to fund both sides of this war. The US was credited with winning this war.

In the 1930s, Congress created most of the unconstitutional departments, agencies and programs it has today and established socialist government programs like the Social Security Ponzi Scheme to bribe the voters.

In 1941, the US entered World War II that ended in 1945.  Again, Central Banks printed the money to finance both sides.  This was the second war where Congress actually passed a Declaration of War after having war declared on the US.  Again, the US was credited with winning this war.

In 1945, the Cold War began to “fight communism”, while quietly adopting socialist globalist policies.  The US fought the Korean War from 1950 to 1953 and the Vietnam War from 1965 to 1973.  These were authorized as “military engagements”.

In the 1960s, Congress created more unconstitutional activities and began social engineering with school desegregation, despite the fact that the best schools even segregated the boys from the girls to remove distractions.   

The 1960s set the US up for Big Government Socialism and established a federal government that clearly operated outside of the “enumerated powers” granted in the US Constitution.  To justify this, the courts cited “case law” to include unconstitutional acts as legal.  They claim that the words used in the Constitution could be “interpreted” to not mean what they say. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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