Sunday, June 26, 2016

More Referenda Needed

There are several other EU member countries whose citizens are lobbying for a Referendum vote to Leave or Remain in the EU.  The governments of these countries need to schedule these Referenda now. 

The EU is an unnecessary, oppressive and costly bureaucracy.  It is simply the implementation mechanism for UN Agenda 21 in Europe. 

European citizens are tired of being raped, killed and invaded by Muslim refugees.  They are sickened to see Muslim No-Go zones occupying parts of their cities.  They know that the UN global warming hoax has been a costly scam.  They are sick of political correctness and the loss of voter control.   They have suffered the Muslim invasion and they want to reverse it. 

If these European citizens expect to succeed in ending the Muslim invasion, they know they need to eliminate the EU bureaucracy.

Referenda by France, Germany and other European countries would prevent the EU bureaucracy from retaliating, which they fully intend to do.

The reason Europeans went along with the establishment of the EU was to make trade easier within Europe.  They already had the extensive rail systems they built to execute two World Wars.  They wanted a common currency and the ability to travel across Europe with a valid and easy visa system.  They could also adopt uniform laws to resolve disputes between companies over patent violations and payments  

Instead, they lost their rights to free speech and found themselves totally vulnerable to unending abuse and extinction. 

The UN is the real enemy here, but the EU needs to be dissolved.. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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