Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Hedge Funds Strike Again

The Brexit Meltdown smells a lot like the 2008 Meltdown.  It is more trickle up redistribution of wealth to the Hedge Fund gamblers.  The media needs to report hedge fund revenue increases that would match the losses they are reporting in currencies and stocks.  We have to ask Cui bono, who benefits.

Social Engineering Disasters
The 2008 Meltdown was caused by anti-discrimination laws that forced lenders to give mortgages to unqualified buyers.  These laws were the Community Redevelopment Act of 1993 and HUD anti-discrimination rules.  It was further complicated by financial services firms slicing and dicing the mortgages and selling these toxic Securities to institutional investors (pension funds, etc.).  Hedge-Funds profited from this disaster because they placed bets on the failure of these mortgage securities. 

The Brexit Meltdown is being caused by allowing what should have been a trade agreement to morph into a governance scheme that allowed the EU bureaucracy to enact “social engineering” laws in member countries and remove their sovereignty.  The result was “fast-track” UN Agenda 21 implementation to destroy the European countries using job-killing regulations and excessive immigration based on the Multicultural Scam.  They have also created a process so contorted that member countries cannot exit this boondoggle in less than 2 years. 

Playing the Race Card
By insisting on extreme Race tolerance and concentrating on social engineering, governments have allowed their citizens to suffer massive damage to the freedom and prosperity of those citizens who are “Main Street”.  Elites invested in hedge funds will reap the profits from this piracy.

The financial fallout from this might very well have been orchestrated by the Banks who have $700 trillion “invested” in hedge-funds. These are bets placed on the failures of legitimate investments.  If you didn’t get the memo to buy and then sell, you may not be a member of the “elite” hedge fund and gold investors.

Governments printed money and gave it to the Banks.  The economy is weak, and the banks had few loans to sell, so they used the printed money to speculate in the stock market a bit, but they went wild on hedge fund bets.

Political correctness was the drug of choice for governments to use on citizens. Europeans are “conditioned” to accept scams like socializes medicine, government pensions, excessive environmentalism, global warming and multiculturalism.  They were “conditioned” to support socialized medicine and nanny-state policies and they complied in sacrificing their freedom, their sovereignty, their prosperity and their ability to support themselves without government programs.

In the “Main Street” world, citizens are not equipped to invest in gold and hedge funds.  They have no tax holidays and pay most of their earnings in taxes for overpriced poor quality government services.  Citizens must insist on freedom and self-reliance and move away from big government and socialist programs that cost 4 times more than they would in a “free market”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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