Saturday, June 25, 2016

UN Agenda 21 is Unraveling

The EU was supposed to morph into the European Region under the UN global government of appointed, unelected legislative and judicial bureaucracy. 

The “Arab Spring” was supposed to destroy the Arab states’ sovereignty by replacing our favorite dictators with UN-friendly Cronies, ready to hand their countries over to the UN. 

Muslim terrorist groups have been tasked to disrupt all African countries. 

Soros hired Obama to wreck the US economy and wants Hillary to finish the job. Obama spent an additional $1 trillion a year on failed implementing of Obamacare, bribes (grants to states), land and water grabs, EPA, BLM, HUD and Interior overreach, stimulus boondoggles and a massive build-up of the federal police state and attack lawyer gangs to force implementation of unelected Regional Commissars.   

But when the “global market” slowed down, citizens returned to seek economic safety within their own countries.  This is consistent with human nature and should have been anticipated by the “puppet masters”

The unraveling of the EU will put UN Agenda 21 back to square 1 in Europe if other countries exit.  The first signs of EU financial unsustainability arose with overspending and over-borrowing and defaults by Greece and close calls by Ireland, Spain and Italy.

This should send a signal to the US and to all other nations that UN Agenda 21 is dead and a “bottom-up” new world order is being developed by sovereign nations.

It sounds like the UK Parliament may attempt to “slow-roll” this opportunity in order to scuttle it.  They have said this will take 2 years.  We will know if this is true if they come back with any EU “incentives” to get the voters to turn back into “sheeple”.  We cannot let that happen.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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