A U.S.
citizen has come forward offering conclusive proof of voter fraud in the recent
Democratic primaries. Elliot Crown
says that all of the NYC counties that Hillary Clinton won, were won using this
special black box. Democracyintegrity.org reports:
After delving into the
investigations of mathematician and numerical control engineer Richard Charnin,
FBI journalist investigator Greg Palast and election investigator and analyst
Bev Harris, an Italian observer of American politics becomes persuaded not only
that statistical methods can show when fraud has taken place, but that in fact
the American electoral system is structured to allow it and hide it. He unpacks
some statistical concepts to explain this to his brother, a naturalized
American, and he in turn passes the information to us.
My brother Marcello and I have been
talking about electoral irregularities for months. He’s an astronomer by
training, a software engineer, and an avid follower of American politics. I’m a
microelectronic engineer and a finance person living in the United States for
the past 20 years. As Italians we both look at American politics with a great
deal of curiosity and sometimes disbelief. As a naturalized American, I worry.
Recently, Marcello became interested
in the sort of calculation that could actually detect electoral fraud having
heard about so many indications of electoral rigging in these past democratic
primaries. After delving into the investigations of mathematician and numerical
control engineer Richard Charnin, FBI journalist investigator Greg Palast, and
election investigator and analyst Bev Harris, among others, he is persuaded not only that statistical
methods can show when fraud has taken place, but that in fact the American
electoral system is structured to allow it and to hide it.
He spent a few days unpacking a few statistical concepts for me regarding this
proposition and I will try to convey them to you.
First we should be aware that exit
polls, the polls of voters taken immediately after they have exited the polling
stations, are the only way to check against fraud in elections while keeping
the vote confidential. A discrepancy between the declared vote (recorded vote)
and the vote extrapolated from the exit polls is an indication of fraud when it
is above a margin of error of 2% within a confidence level of 95%.
Here is how it works. When
statisticians try to measure the ‘real vote’ they not only estimate the final
vote count but they also analyze the entire distribution of the data they
gathered from the exit poll voter sampling in order to determine the
reliability of their final determination. When fluctuations in the data are due
to randomness they will follow a statistical distribution that follows the
shape of a bell curve, the Gaussian curve. The reliability or unreliability of
the sample data doesn’t depend so much on the trustworthiness of those who
collect the exit poll voter sampling, but it’s rather intrinsic to the shape of
the distribution. From this shape an ‘interval of confidence’ is determined
within which we can unquestionably claim our confidence that we got it right
with a probability of 95% — always 95%. This interval of confidence is also
called ‘margin of error’ (MoE).
Poorly informed ‘experts’ frequently
argue that the statistical analysis of exit polls can be misleading because it
assumes that real life data is randomly distributed (as in the Gaussian curve) when
that’s not always the case. And here is where they are missing a central point.
The expectation that sample data will be randomly distributed ALREADY takes
into account all possible relevant factors in a practical observation in real
life. When extraneous factors intervene, a discrepancy will make the recorded
value fall outside of the interval of confidence signaling only one
possibility: a systematic error. When this occurs statisticians make further
analysis to determine the causes, and either remove the cause or include it
into the ‘margin of error’. After 59 years of fine-tuning this process in
countless elections around the world statisticians have reached a point where
exit polls have become extremely reliable. If the final ‘Recorded Vote’ falls outside
the interval of confidence one can assume with a high degree of certainty that
the systematic error is intentional. This is why we say that we have a high
probability of fraud.
The fact that such a high
probability of fraud is so apparent in the comparison of exit polls and
recorded vote is partially masked by the way electoral results are obtained in
the United States. The results of most democratic elections around the world
are obtained with a 95% confidence level within a margin of error of 2%. In
fact, these are the parameters that the U.S. government normally uses to
oversee elections in other countries (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_controversial_elections). But this is not true in the U.S itself — which nobody
thinks of supervising.
Election results in the United
States are obtained with a 95% confidence level within a 3-4% margin of error.
This is because relatively recent laws in the United States have intentionally
rendered reference data less reliable (HAVA, Bush 2002). By law exit polls must
be adjusted to match the final recorded vote, which means that evidence of
fraud is suppressed. Exit poll results, already partially manipulated, must disappear
after a given election and become public only 5 years later. When such data has
become available in its unadjusted complete form, it has been used to
cross-check voting results with other independent methods. The results have not
only shown that the numbers were internally coherent but also that they
corroborated original suspicions of fraud.
In the 2016 democratic primary
elections unadjusted exit polls show that Bernie Sanders has been robbed of the
following percentage of votes: Alabama 6.1%, Arizona 22.1%, Georgia 5.5%,
Massachusetts 4.0%, Mississippi 4.7%, Ohio 5.0%, South Carolina 5.2%, Texas
4.2%, Wisconsin 6.9%, West Virginia 6.0%, New York 5.9% (CNN New York exit
polls indicated that Bernie Sanders may have done better than 48% there).
Although a discrepancy of -4.6% in
Oklahoma turned out to be in favor of Bernie, it doesn’t affect our analysis because so far the
discrepancies shown in all of the above final results have been consistently
larger than the MoE in favor of Hillary in 11 of the 26 primaries. The
probability of this happening without fraud is 1 in 77 billion (6.8-sigma). In
other words, one can expect something this improbable to happen less than once
since the extinction of dinosaurs — if elections were to be a daily event.
Exit polls
discrepancies: 24 out of 26 are in Hillary’s favor exceeding the margin of
error in 11 primaries. One can also search for trends to
check for fraud. One of the most revealing methods, the Cumulative Vote Share
Analysis, searches for a correlation between the size of a discrepancy (between
recorded vote and exit polls) and the size of a precinct. When no fraud has
taken place the trend tends to be quite regular. When the discrepancy tends to
manifest as the size of the precinct becomes larger than a certain value, it is
a strong indication of fraud, according to Richard Charnin. Roughly speaking
the reason for this behavior is that electronic rigging is implemented
strategically in order not to become obvious. The discrepancy caused by the
rigging is “better” distributed between those precincts that are big enough to
be worth the effort.
Above a
certain precinct size the vote share increases in favor of one candidate.
There should be no correlation, like we see on the diagram on the left (Utah). In fact, in the recent democratic primaries we can observe a noticeable divergence in trends between the Clinton and Sanders votes when the precincts are larger; the larger the size, the higher the percentage of the votes that go in favor of Clinton. This has been evident in Massachusetts (>10%), Michigan (>3%-10% according to the type of machines), Missouri (>0.05% the size is small but the trend unequivocal), New York (>10% and possibly >20%). Charnin’s diagrams (see below) are self-explanatory.
There should be no correlation, like we see on the diagram on the left (Utah). In fact, in the recent democratic primaries we can observe a noticeable divergence in trends between the Clinton and Sanders votes when the precincts are larger; the larger the size, the higher the percentage of the votes that go in favor of Clinton. This has been evident in Massachusetts (>10%), Michigan (>3%-10% according to the type of machines), Missouri (>0.05% the size is small but the trend unequivocal), New York (>10% and possibly >20%). Charnin’s diagrams (see below) are self-explanatory.
In Kentucky Hillary’s cumulative
vote share increased by 7.4% (55.9% to 63.3%) after 85% of the smaller
precincts were counted! The probability P of this vote spike occurring by
chance is essentially ZERO. All in all electoral anomalies have
been apparent in New York, Massachusetts, Illinois, Arizona, Iowa, Nevada,
Ohio, Delaware, Wyoming, Wisconsin, Missouri, Michigan, Alabama, Tennessee,
Georgia, Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky and Oregon. But electoral fraud has been
particularly evident in strategic elections such as those in Arizona and New
York. They were meant to kill the Bernie Sander’s momentum. And they did just
that with the help of the media.
Disenfranchisement — widespread in
New York and Arizona — has been more widely reported so I will not discuss it
here. But in any case it must be added to other forms of electoral fraud. According to the recorded vote the
Sanders-Clinton competition is currently at 43.5-56.5% with a lead of 3 million
votes in favor of Clinton. But actual votes in caucus states have not been
included, and the fact that unadjusted exit polls have indicated that voting
machines were hacked has not been considered. According to Charnin, if we take
this into account we would have Sanders at 47.9 and Clinton at 52.1%, with a
lead of 1.3 million votes in favor of Clinton. Furthermore, if we also take
into consideration that voter rolls were manipulated and that long lines and
severely shortened polling station hours reduced voter turnout in areas
favorable to Sanders, we would need to add a 10% to Sanders’s votes and
subtract 5% from Clinton’s. That would put Sanders in the lead at 51.5-48.5%
with a lead of 780,000 votes in his favor.
Sanders’s supporters have barely
begun to speak about electoral irregularities and already the DNC has started
to accuse them and Sander’s campaign of inciting “violence” among supporters by
promoting allegations that the primary process is rigged in favor of his opponent, Hillary Clinton.
There’s much more to say. This is
only a piece of the larger story of how fraud has become part and parcel of
American elections, which has been at work since the 1960s, reaching
extraordinary highs after the year 2000. Most notable have been the elections
stolen from Al Gore by 6 million votes, from Kerry by more than 10 million and
the landslide vote margins stolen from Obama both in 2008 and 2012. But if
until now the biggest share of electoral rigging has come from the Republicans
by far, it looks like the Democrats are more than willing to step up to the
plate if an uncorrupt candidate dares to challenge their establishment.
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