Sunday, August 7, 2016

Muslim Rape Update

Twin Falls, Idaho: Breitbart reporter confirms little girl raped, father saw video, by Ann Corcoran on 8/5/16

Because the ‘story’ doesn’t fit the narrative the No Borders Left has developed over the years of refugee children (Muslim children in this case) as literally the hope of the world, the mainstream media (including Fox News) has been silent about this dreadful story made worse by the attempts at the local government level to silence the critics.  Thanks to brave local citizens, the case will not be swept under the rug.

Families of the boys accused in the alleged rape of 5 year old girl sit outside Twin Falls detention center.

For new readers our archive on the case is here.  See especially posts on how the US Attorney for Idaho attempted to intimidate citizens who were demanding the case be thoroughly investigated.

Here is Lee Stranahan at Breitbart: TWIN FALLS, IDAHO – In a shocking and exclusive interview with Breitbart News, the father of a five-year-old girl that was allegedly raped by refugee children reveals that he watched 30 seconds of a video of the assault taken by one of the three boys charged with the crime. The father also revealed that the parents of the refugee children had urged him not to call the police when he first learned of the attack.

Additionally, new allegations against a ten-year-old boy who was involved in the June 2 attack were revealed in court on Thursday afternoon, alleging the boy both anally and orally penetrated the five-year-old, in addition to urinating on her, as revealed by the father in the clip below. Previously, it had only been known that a seven-year-old boy had orally penetrated the girl and urinated on her.

The little girl’s parents, concerned about biased media coverage as well as their own personal safety and that of their daughter, have not been interviewed on videotape until this Thursday’s interview with Breitbart News.

We have been reporting on the controversy surrounding Twin Falls, the refugee program there and the role Chobani Yogurt is playing in changing Twin Falls with its desire for cheap immigrant labor ever since a new mosque was built there in January 2015.  See our Twin Falls archive here.

Twin Falls represents the same pattern I am seeing throughout my western road trip.  Big corporations looking for cheap immigrant labor are supplied with workers by the US State Department and its refugee resettlement contractors.  Local governments are often complicit (money!) as the character of small and medium cities are changed forever.  Citizens who object are labelled racists etc.

Do not be fooled the US Refugee Admissions Program is not about compassion for the poor and downtrodden!
Endnote: The resettlement contractor in Twin Falls is a subcontractor of USCRI, learn more about USCRI and Lavinia Limon, here.

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