Exclusive: by David Kupelian on why president
will be increasingly outrageous in final months, 7/31/16, WND
If you were Barack Obama – a Marxist revolutionary disguised as a
Democrat, who after promising “fundamental transformation” delivered it nonstop
during his presidency, but was in grave danger of seeing his beloved radical
changes eviscerated once he leaves office – what would you be doing right now?
No need to guess. Obama adviser Cecilia Muñoz, director of the
White House Domestic Policy Council, clearly sums up the mission of Team Obama
in the home stretch of his transformative presidency.
Muñoz’s entire focus, she
boasts, is making sure Obama’s
controversial policies are permanently “institutionalized” so they will live on
long after she and her boss are gone from the White House – no matter who
succeeds Obama.
A former executive with the National Council of
La Raza, a radical pro-amnesty Hispanic activist group, Muñoz says job one is
“to make sure we build this [Obama’s immigration policies] really into the DNA
across the federal bureaucracy, at a leadership level, but much more
importantly to make sure that when political appointees like me are no longer
here, this is built into what those agencies do and think about every day.”
In other words – and this applies not just to
immigration, but to every area in which this president has turned America
upside-down, from the economy to “social issues” to foreign policy – Obama’s
policies are to be permanently baked into America’s government, bureaucracy,
law and culture.
Of course, throughout his presidency, Obama and his team have
deliberately schemed to make his revolutionary re-imagining of America difficult
or impossible to undo by purposely enmeshing it as much as possible into the
fabric of government, culture and “settled law.” Whether it’s giving Iran the
nuclear green light with his appalling and deceit-laden treaty; or changing
America’s voting demographics to favor Democrats by fast-tracking immigrants’
ability to vote (immigrants overwhelming vote for Democrats); or making
same-sex marriage permanent in the Supreme Court whose 2015 decision passed
with the support of Obama’s two justice picks, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan
– Obama understandably doesn’t want his radical changes undone.
And during his final
year, Obama has been burning the midnight oil. One example you probably haven’t
heard about: Although excessive regulations are widely recognized to be
suffocating the American economy, right now thousands of new regulations – from reducing exposure limits for silica, a
chemical used in fracking, to requiring more small-scale gun sellers to perform
background checks, to forcing food manufacturers to disclose how much sugar
they add to cranberry juice – are being created around the clock throughout
Washington’s vast government bureaucracies, before Obama’s term ends in
Get David Kupelian’s
“The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation
Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture” – autographed – at the WND
‘Getting under his critics’ skin’
Consider how historian
Victor Davis Hanson, writing
in National Review, sizes up Obama’s
current mindset and home-stretch priorities.
Noting that Obama is doubling down on his most
radical agenda items during his remaining few months in office – from importing
as many Muslims as possible from the most radicalized parts of the world, to
releasing more Guantanamo prisoners, to freeing thousands of felons – Hanson
wonders: “In lieu of achievement, is the Obama theory to become relevant or
noteworthy by offending the public and goading political enemies?”
After all, he accurately observes:
An Obama press conference is now a summation of
all his old damn-you clichés – the fantasy strawman arguments; the caricatures
of the evil Republican bogeymen; the demagogic litany of the sick, the
innocent, and the old at the mercy of his callous opponents; the affected
accentuation (e.g., Talîban; Pakîstan, Îslám, Latînos, etc.) that so many
autodidacts parade in lieu of learning foreign languages; the
make-no-mistake-about-it and let-me-be-clear empty emphatics; the flashing
temper tantrums; the mangled sports metaphors; the factual gaffes; and the
monotonous I, me, my, and mine first-person-pronoun exhaustion. What Obama
cannot do in fact, he believes he can still accomplish through invective and
But what about Obama’s legacy? Doesn’t every
president desire a positive, glowing legacy in which to bask after leaving
office? Writes Hanson: “If you suggested to Obama that, in his search for a
contrarian legacy, he should do something to stop the slaughter in the Middle
East and be careful about letting in more unexamined refugees, in answer, he
would be more likely to do less than nothing abroad and vastly expand the
influx of migrants.”
Because, says the noted historian, “Getting
under his critics’ skin is about all that is left of a failed presidency.”
Indeed, adds Hanson, most Americans “still do
not quite grasp that Obama will end his presidency by seeking to get his
opponents’ goat,” who predicts ominously that Obama’s “resentment will lead to
some strange things said and done.”
The chaos president
The problem now facing us is that, outside of
the delusional world of leftist revolutionaries excitedly recreating America
according to the precepts of their irrational secular religion, in the real
world, Obama’s policies are devastating America – just as the same sorts of
politically correct, multiculturally blind, rudderless socialist governance is
currently destroying Europe before our eyes.
For almost eight years,
people have asked whether Obama’s perverse policies are intentionally malevolent
or the result of incompetence and ideological blindness. At this point, the
sheer perversity has become undeniable: He wants to bring as many refugees into
America as possible. Americans are generous people and sympathetic toward
refugees, but why are almost all of the refugees Sunni Muslims, and virtually
none of them Christians (3 percent, according
to FactCheck.org)?
Likewise, Obama claims he wants to eliminate racism
in law enforcement – a relatively rare occurrence – to better the lives of
blacks. But instead he is leaving the nation far less safe due to the “Ferguson
Effect.” Beyond the horrendous recent trend of assassinating police officers,
the general murder rates have dramatically spiked in many U.S. cities, from
Chicago to Dallas to Las Vegas to Los Angeles and Memphis, thanks to a
demonized law enforcement establishment having second thoughts about engaging
in the kind of aggressive, proactive community policing proven to dramatically
reduce crime.
Indeed, newly released
data documents “a sharp spike in homicide rates in more than 20 cities,” as the
York Times reports: The heroin epidemic, a
resurgence in gang violence and economic factors in some cities were all
offered as explanations, but the most contentious theory came from an agency
that usually does not worry much about local crime: the Federal Bureau of
The agency’s director, James Comey, has linked rising crime to
less aggressive policing – the “viral video effect,” he called it this week,
rejecting the more racially charged “Ferguson effect.”
So, why is Obama continually compelled to throw
the nation into turmoil?
Addiction has become a
huge problem in the U.S., as I document in “The
Snapping of the American Mind.” Well it turns out, President Obama is also addicted – to creating
chaos and confusion as a smokescreen for facilitating the advance of what is,
to be blunt, an evil agenda.
Obama’s ultimate defense
In the end, of course, Obama’s ultimate defense
against the reversal of his radical transformation, which has already wreaked
unspeakable havoc on America’s economy, national security, military, culture
and so much more, is to see that a far-left Democrat successor – Hillary
Clinton – is elected president. Putting aside every other toxic thing this
career criminal (along with her serial sex-predator husband) would do if made
leader of the free world, just consider that the Supreme Court nominees she
would install would pour the judicial concrete that would render permanent
Obama’s catastrophic transformation of the American system. Indeed, the entire
progressive-left agenda – including effectively “reinterpreting” the Second
Amendment out of existence – could be fast-tracked into a solidly leftwing
activist Supreme Court and embedded so deeply in our society as to be virtually
untouchable for generations, regardless of who might be elected to the White
House and Congress in 2020 and beyond.
This is why the “Never-Trump” movement must be
considered, at this point, not just wrongheaded, but utterly destructive of the
very principles of constitutional conservatism it claims so fervently to
uphold. A strange, suicidal betrayal of everything they claim to hold dear. But
then, pride has a nasty way of tricking people into doing just that.
Find out why Dinesh D’Souza calls “The Snapping of the American Mind” “eye-opening” and
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Hannity says “David Kupelian is one of the most thought-provoking and
iconoclastic writers I know.” Get “The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation
Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture” – autographed – at the WND
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“How Evil Works,” both in paperback – all available, autographed, from WND! For
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