Invasion of Europe news……
have been writing about George Soros’ role for years in directing and
manipulating the worldwide refugee crisis, but now thanks to leaked e-mails
(and one important memo, so far) we are seeing the extent of it. Soros is
a power-hungry one-worlder who also likes money and I feel some sympathy for the refugees who are used as
pawns and the naive do-gooders who think his interest and greedy global
corporations’ interests are driven by humanitarianism. What a
George Soros (right) getting an award from the
International Rescue Committee (David Miliband center). The IRC is one of the
nine major US refugee resettlement contractors. On the left is Soros’ son
Jonathan. Soros as you know is a Hillary pal. Learn more here:
is the breaking news today at
Drudge (from the Daily Caller): A leaked memo from left-wing financier
George Soros’s Open Society Foundations argues that Europe’s refugee crisis
should be accepted as a “new normal,” and that the refugee crisis means “new
opportunities” for Soros’ organization to influence immigration policies on a
global scale.OSF program officer Anna Crowley and program specialist Katin Rosin co-authored the May 12 memo, titled “Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio Review.” The memo focuses on an OSF program called the International Migration Initiative, which aims to influence immigration policy. The nine-page review makes three key points: OSF — which doles out millions to left-wing causes — has been successful at influencing global immigration policy; Europe’s refugee crisis presents “new opportunities” for the organization to influence global immigration policy; and the refugee crisis is the “new normal.” Continue reading here.
There is also a story at Breitbart, here, about Soros’ role in helping to improve the image of Somalis throughout Europe.
Click here for some of our earlier posts where we wrote about Soros’ advocacy work in Norway, Finland and Sweden on behalf of Somalis. There is more here about other mega-wealthy businessmen who are in Soros’ camp looking to assure the free flow of cheap labor across borders everywhere. Their only impediment is you! About the photo! Just think about it, those creeps (yes creeps) including David Miliband, the former BRITISH foreign secretary, are deciding the future of American states like Montana! (The IRC is about to open an office in Missoula.)
There is only one way to begin to try to save America from the inevitable fate facing Europe—help Donald Trump become the next President of the United States.
Refugee industry goes in to high gear for Obama/UN big show; what do you do? by Ann Corcoran 8/17/16
Yesterday we told you about the August 28th rally (the warm-up act) in Washington, DC to gin up media for the refugee industry as it pushes into the critical month of September and wants to be sure the money will be flowing their way to distribute larger than ever numbers of impoverished and questionably vetted refugees to your towns and cities.(For new readers, the resettlement contractors*** are paid by the head to seed refugees, chosen by the UN, throughout America! They can’t do their work without YOUR money!)
your town’s future at the United Nations!
Also, in September, Obama will send his last ‘determination’ to Congress on how many refugees we will take in FY2017.
Congress can decide to fund those numbers or not! We can certainly blame lame duck Obama, but the real pressure must be on your Members of Congress! The big propaganda show itself will occur at the United Nations on September 19th and 20th.
Here is the information released by the United Nations:
The UN General Assembly will host a high-level summit to address large movements of refugees and migrants, with the aim of bringing countries together behind a more humane and coordinated approach.
This is the first time the General Assembly has called for a summit at the Heads of State and Government level on large movements of refugees and migrants and it is a historic opportunity to come up with a blueprint for a better international response. It is a watershed moment to strengthen governance of international migration and a unique opportunity for creating a more responsible, predictable system for responding to large movements of refugees and migrants. When and where? It will be an all day event on Monday 19 September 2016 at the UNHQ in New York.
Is there a related event on 20 September 2016? Also on the margins of the General Assembly, on 20 September 2016, the United States President Obama is hosting the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees, alongside co-hosts Canada, Ethiopia, Germany, Jordan, Mexico and Sweden, which will appeal to governments to pledge significant new commitments on refugees. While the Leaders’ Summit will focus on refugees, not migrants, the General Assembly High-Level Summit will address large movements of both. The two events will complement one another.
Will you let the United Nations change your American towns? For all of you working hard to save your towns (and I’ve met many of you on my swing through the heartland over the last month), this is it! You have to direct all of your efforts from now and through September at pounding Congress on this issue. Use the problems you are having where you live as the inspiration and the catalyst for your anger. Your member is still at home until after Labor Day (see calendar). Find them in their districts! Tell them what you think! Tell your Senators too!
And, while you are directing your community organizing (yes, you are community organizers!) to halt all of the funding for the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program, you must work to get Hillary defeated. This UN stunt is geared to help Hillary! Obama and the United Nations are counting on a Clinton presidency to continue (and expand!) the work they are beginning on August 28th!Note to all I talked to in my travels, you still need to work locally to regain control at your local elected official level and get rid of some the mayors who have been ‘captured,’ but at this moment there is only one major goal….don’t let Congress fund Obama’s 2017 resettlement goal which surely will come in at the 100,000 to 200,000 level.
These are the federal resettlement contractors. Is your church working with the UN and being paid with taxpayer dollars to bring poverty and poorly screened refugees to your town? Time to speak up on Sundays (by the way, evangelicals are not off the hook because World Relief is an evangelical organization!)
U.S. accepts more Syrian refugees than all of EU: 8,000
vs. 6,000, By
Paul Bedard @SecretsBedard
Despite promises of European
Union member states to take in 160,000 refugees, a new report shows that
they've accepted a fraction, 6,000, while the United States has embraced 8,000
of a planned 10,000 this year.As President Obama, backed by Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, has ramped up accepting refugees fleeing Syria and other war-torn nations, the EU has put the brakes on hard, apparently bowing to public outrage.
In the U.S., some governors and other politicians have warned against moving fast to bring in the refugees, concerned that poor vetting could let in terrorists.
After officials moved to stem the huge influx if immigrants, Europe had led the way in making promises to accept the additional refugees in camps in Italy and Greece. But a new report in France found that Paris had accepted just 1,300 of the 30,000 it promised to take from Greece and Italy by 2017.
What's more, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, all of the European Union member states that had promised to accept 160,000 asylum seekers have taken in just 6,000 so far.
"One year later, this commitment is far from being fulfilled. France is not the only 'bad student,' said Pierre Henry, director of an organization called France Terre d'Asile. Of the 160,000 asylum seekers in need of resettlement from Greece and Italy, EU member states admitted less than 6,000. 'There is an obvious lack of solidarity,' Henry claimed," said the CIS blog post from Nayla Rush based on some French media reports.
CIS suggested that the EU refusal to move as fast as Obama might be a "sign of mere common sense," following a number of terror attacks.
"Keeping one's promise is certainly admirable. However, keeping citizens safe should bear no compromise. France, sadly, learned its lesson the hard way. Let us hope the U.S. doesn't have to," wrote Rush. "There's no shame in shifting gears. After all, as the French say, only fools do not change their minds."
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