Monday, February 13, 2017

Free Speech v Sedition

The value of Free Speech has been used to introduce political ideologies that are incompatible with the US Constitution and founding documents. This includes Socialism, Communism and Islam and uses US anti-discrimination laws to enforce this sedition. These ideologies have taken over our universities to the point where tax subsidies should be in question. We are funding our own demise. There is good reason to insist that tax funded colleges be limited to preparing students for employment in the US and insist on the de-politicization of campuses.

This doesn’t mean that colleges would be unable to cover these incompatible ideologies, but they should be identified as such.  Similarly, theories that have not been confirmed need to be taught as theories only. This includes evolution and environmental science. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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