Friday, June 29, 2018

Logical Analysis

It is not likely that Omar Gaddafi lost his life and his dictatorship over Libya because he gave up his nuclear weapons.  It was clear that the Arab Spring gave his opponents the opportunity to foment a revolution and his own physical security was not adequately effective.

It is not likely that carbon in the atmosphere poses an existential threat to the earth. It is more likely that the temperature of the oceans and the Arctic ice melting is based on a cycle we can see in core samples and known history. It is more likely to see UN Agenda 21 as a scam designed to strip countries of their sovereignty to usher in a UN led global communist government.

It is not likely that Trump will be a disaster as President like Democrats, Liberals and the Liberal Media insist.  It is more likely that the Democrat Party, the Republican Party and the government employee “Deep State” have been taken over by the American Communist Party, committed to the destruction of the US Constitution and US sovereignty.

It is not likely that the US media represents the “free press” and free speech recommended by the Founders. It is evident that the US media has been infiltrated by UN loving globalists, the Democrat Party and most of the Republican Party.

It is not likely that foreign countries pose the biggest threat to the US. It is more likely to believe that most of our own platitudinous politicians and our “deep state” do pose the biggest threat to the US.

It is not likely that Hitler could have raised the money to start World War II if the international bankers had been prevented from lending him the money.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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