Monday, June 25, 2018

Obama’s Vanishing Legacy

The Iran deal: terminated. The Obamacare individual mandate: erased. The Paris climate agreement: torn up. Trans-Pacific Partnership withdrawn. The war on coal: ended. Appeasing our enemies: over. Balance of Supreme Court: restored.  Obama’s anti-Constitution, anti-freedom, anti-West “fundamental transformation” of America is being reversed. Amazing what a year and a half under confident, unapologetic pro-American leadership can do to set things right. The impulse to bow has been expunged…No more leading from behind, “strategic patients” or “strategic restraint” on the battlefield. ISIS is being obliterated. Appeasement has been replaced by strength abroad, prosperity at home.

The US embassy has been moved to Jerusalem. NAFTA is being renegotiated, DACA phased out. Keystone and Dakota pipelines greenlighted, onerous fuel emissions standards relaxed, federal regulations rolled back to unleash the economic dynamism of a free people. Illegal immigration and sanctuary cities are finally being fought as the rule of law returns and the infiltration of terror, gangs and drugs slows. Insistence of genuine denuclearization of North Korea and Iran is US policy. Tax cuts, tax reform, are producing an economic boom. Despite the recent Senate vote, so called “net neutrality” government control of the internet is over.

Each one of these erasures of Obama policies brought shrieks of “Armageddon now!” But the apocalypse did not ensue. In fact, as no less a Democrat pol than former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown wrote in the San Francisco Chronicle on 5/12/18: “Like it or not, a significant number of Americans are actually happy these days. They are making money. They feel safe and they agree with the President’s protectionist trade policies, his call for more American jobs, even his immigration stance.”

The truth is Obama’s legacy was built on sand. It could not be overturned in a year and a half if it were real. If Obama’s legacy were anchored in the will of the American people, President Trump could not send it to the wind. If Obama’s policies were so popular, Hillary Clinton would have been elected.

But Obama was doing great damage to this country, so being able to reverse his legacy was a great achievement. This ought to tell you liberals, you do not yet control the hearts and minds a majority of the American people, or Obama’s legacy would have stood the test of time. As it is, Obama’s only lasting legacy is Donald Trump.

He who lived by the pen and the phone, faded away by the pen and the phone. I hoped he’d fail and fail he did to the everlasting benefit of the United States of America.


This outstanding article was written I believe in response to a more liberal version published in New York Magazine. I received it by email.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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