Saturday, June 30, 2018

Oh Mexico II

If voters in Mexico elect Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), Mexico will decline for lack of critical infrastructure needed to expand their economy and this will keep the poor, poor. The Southern half of Mexico is a third world country.

This is what Venezuela did and it’s a bad model. If Chavez had borrowed $50 billion to invest in the government oil business instead of giveaways and monuments, Venezuela wouldn’t be broken.

The Drug Gangs are controlling the US/ Mexican border and Obrador is not interested in disturbing them. Most of the Mexican government is on the Drug Gang payroll and the rest are being quiet and trying to stay alive.

Obrador already knows how much money illegal migrants in the US are sending back to their families in Mexico and he doesn’t want that money flow to stop.  He already knows how much bribe money the Drug Gangs are paying to members of the Mexican government and he doesn’t want that to stop either.

If Obrador thinks Mexican voters are dumb enough to elect him on his promise for “free stuff”, then Mexico is headed down the same road as Venezuela.

US companies with manufacturing plants in the Northern part of Mexico, especially just over the border, have got to be considering coming back to the US.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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