Friday, August 3, 2018

Georgia Democrats Unbelievable

Democrat Candidate for Governor Is Dead Broke, Owes $77,522 in Credit Card Debt, and Wants to Run Georgia Economy, ,, Georgia Pundit.

Abrams and fellow Democrats want reparations for blacks and free college for all kids. It’s a socialist’s dream.
But she is deeply in debt. Stacey owes $96,512 in student loan debt and $77,522 in credit card debt.

Stacey Abrams was the guest of honor at the Democrat “Way to Win: 2022 Victory Party” at the party’s annual spring conference.

Stacey wants to run the Georgia economy.

The former state representative has acknowledged that she owes more than $200,000 in student loans, credit card debt and IRS back taxes.

“I did not understand that those magical slivers of plastic that I was getting in in college, a $100 purchase was going to cost me like $3,000 over the next seven years,” Abrams stated in an interview with Yahoo Finance. “And that if I didn’t pay the bill every month it was going on some report that was going to follow me even after I had a great job.”

Abrams owes back taxes amounting to $40,201 for 2015 and $13,851 for 2016. She owes $96,512 in student loan debt and another $77,522 in credit card debt spread over nine different accounts. In total, she is about $228,000 in the red. This number is actually higher if you count her $178,500 in real estate debt and her $4,434 car loan.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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