Saturday, April 20, 2019

Electing the Wrong People

In the US, we elect usually the wrong people. In the 1960s, I thought Lawyers were good prospects to become Legislators. They learned legal jargon in law school and should be able to write their own Bills. That hasn’t worked out.  Most are Prosecutors who don’t like to write laws and certainly don’t have the common sense and courage needed to repeal bad laws.  They would rather expand their footprint to extort large campaign contributions from their owners.

Our Founders were good Legislators because they were farmers and tradesmen in a high potential free market economy and were not inclined to pass any laws that would impede our economic progress. They had been overtaxed as Colonists and were not about to waste government revenue. They funded their own businesses and were not inclined to increase their own taxes or take on any debt that didn’t promise a return on investment. They understood that their economic future depended on their reputations as principled independent businessmen who offered fair value and required fair payment. They funded the government with Tariffs and paid off their war debts.

Our Legislators today are nothing like the Founders. They ignore the US Constitution and engage in passing bad law.
Our Legislators today are prostitutes who are quick to assassinate any honest competitors who won’t join the club.

The US political system is a wreck and needs to return to compliance with the US Constitution (as originally written).

In 2016, we finally elected the right President. His actions tell us he knows what a mess we are in and knows precisely how to get us out of the mess.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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