Sunday, April 7, 2019

How States Measure Up

I measure States using Nominal GDP, Population, Resources, Infrastructure, Debt, Spending and Taxes,

Returning manufacturing and resource extraction jobs to the US will restore the rural economies and restore the middle class. Reducing welfare migrants will reduce our welfare costs.

Returning federal lands to Western States will help these States compete. Moving States from using Bonds and Pension Plans will allow States to eliminate waste. Lower taxes are required to attract increases in investment and population.

Our States have higher GDPs than most countries. Reducing our trade deficits and building what we buy will continue to strengthen the US economy. Maintaining low regulations and low taxes will expand the private sector economy. Privatizing unconstitutional government functions will lower costs and expand prosperity.

States with high taxes, high debt, high unfunded liabilities and unsustainable living costs are losing population as people move to States where costs are lower and investment is occurring.  California, New York and Illinois are in trouble.

Restoring oil and natural gas production will add to US GDP and balance our trade deficit. Securing the border will end the welfare migrant invasion and reduce drug trafficking and crime. Reestablishing Immigration policy based on self-support and merit will provide the skills we need to prosper.

States need to reduce subsidies for education, healthcare and nanny-state policies and redirect tax dollars to roads, highways and water reservoirs. States need to absorb unconstitutional federal functions. States need to restore the free market economy where prices are based on supply and demand and begin to remove taxpayer subsidies. States need to restore their rural areas with manufacturing jobs.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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