Sunday, April 7, 2019

US GDP by State

Annual State GDP is a measure of economic production. States compete with each other and compete with other countries for business and investment. Our States have higher GDPs than most countries.

The list below shows US States by Annual GDP in 2018.

California $2.941 trillion
Texas $1.745 trillion
New York $1.652 trillion
Florida $1.052 trillion
Illinois $874.8 billion
Pennsylvania $799.5 billion
Ohio $695.5 billion
New Jersey $645.5 billion
Georgia $595.2 billion
North Carolina $579.7 billion
Massachusetts $571.3 billion
Michigan $554.7 billion
Virginia $547.0 billion
Washington $535.6 billion
Maryland $421.7 billion
Indiana $378.1 billion
Minnesota $370.5 billion
Tennessee $368.8 billion
Colorado $360.9 billion
Wisconsin $342.5 billion
Arizona $340.3 billion
Missouri $333.6 billion
Connecticut $291.9
Oregon $257.2 billion
Louisiana $249.6 billion
South Carolina $235.5 billion
Alabama $226.2 billion
Kentucky $218.2 billion
Iowa $195.7 billion
Oklahoma $191.3 billion
Utah $177.5 billion
Nevada $166.8 billion
Kansas $166.4 billion
DC $143.7 billion
Arkansas $132.2 billion
Nebraska $126.3 billion
Mississippi $117.9 billion
New Mexico $100.4 billion
Hawaii $94.4 billion
New Hampshire $88.4 billion
West Virginia $78.9 billion
Delaware $77.5 billion
Idaho $74.6 billion
Maine $66.2 billion
Rhode Island $64 billion
South Dakota $53.1 billion
North Dakota $52.4 billion
Alaska $51.9 billion
Montana $49.6 billion
Wyoming $39.1 billion
Vermont $34.4 billion

The most populous States have the highest GDP. California, Texas, New York and Florida have the highest GDP and the highest populations. US GDP is as high as it is, because we buy “stuff”.

The States with lower populations have lower GDP.  Vermont, Wyoming, Montana and Alaska are low population States.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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