Thursday, April 18, 2019

This Blog

I created this blog in 2011 to fulfill my duty to make the case for Conservative Tea Party principles. The original posts in this blog from 2010 were the emails I sent to elected representatives and articles I had published in magazines prior to 2011.

Many of these posts are timeless, because the problems persist over decades and are not even addressed. Excessive illegal immigration and illegal drug smuggling have persisted since the 1960s and we have passed laws that made things worse. Excessive, unnecessary environmental laws have resulted in violations of property rights and unnecessary costs to property owners. Excessive, unnecessary Labor Laws have resulted in unnecessary costs to US business. Excessive, unnecessary anti-discrimination laws caused the 2008 Mortgage Meltdown. Excessive subsidies and destructive policies of US Healthcare and Education have resulted in exploding costs and plummeting outcomes.

My motivation for creating this blog and the Dunwoody GA Tea Party was fueled by the anger I felt at watching UN Agenda 21 being implemented in Dunwoody in 2011. This began in 1992 with Bush I signing on to Agenda 21 and its implementation by Clinton in 1993. This was further imposed by the Georgia Legislatures’ approval of Regionalism Bills in 2008 and 2010. It was accelerated by Obama in 2008.

Trump was elected in 2016 to restore the US economy and the US private sector.  Trump is succeeding in rolling back UN Agenda 21 and restoring the US Constitution (as originally written), but the “Deep State” is huge and systemic. The US Congress is packed with Liberals and Liberal enablers. Voters need to recognize that we are one election away from becoming Venezuela.

I am motivated to pack this Blog with facts. That is the reason for long lists of data and commentary on what the data means. The data includes lists of countries by GDP and potential and lists of economic data by year.  I ignore the spin and minutia obsessively covered by the media.  I want readers to concentrate on the basics and ignore the trivia.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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