Sunday, April 7, 2019

US Land Area by State

The US land mass is 3.8 million square miles.

US States by Land Area in Square Miles
Alaska 655,384
Texas 268,596
California 163,696
Montana 147,039
New Mexico 121,590
Arizona 113,990
Nevada 110,571
Colorado 104,093
Oregon 98,378
Wyoming 97,813
Michigan 96,713
Minnesota 86,935
Utah 84,896
Idaho 83,568
Kansas 82,278
Nebraska 77,347
South Dakota 77,115
Washington 71,297
North Dakota 70,698
Oklahoma 69,899
Missouri 69,707
Florida 65,757
Wisconsin 65,496
Georgia 59,425
Illinois 57,913
Iowa 56,273
New York 54,555
North Carolina 53,819
Arkansas 53,178
Alabama 52,420
Louisiana 52,378
Mississippi 48,432
Pennsylvania 45,054
Ohio 44,825
Virginia 42,775
Tennessee 42,144
Indiana 36,419
Maine 35,380
South Carolina 32,020
West Virginia 24,230
Maryland 12,406
Hawaii 10,932
Massachusetts 10,554
Vermont 9,616
New Hampshire 9,349
New Jersey 8,722
Connecticut 5.543
Delaware 2,489
Rhode Island 1,545


US States range in land area size from Rhode Island at 1.545 square miles to Alaska at 655,384 square miles. 40 of our 50 States have land areas from 32,020 square miles to 164,000 square miles. Many States are the size of countries and produce higher GDPs.

If Alaska was its own country, with a land area of 655,384 square miles, it would be the 16th largest country. Texas at 268,596 square miles has a land area larger than 156 countries.

Our 9 smallest states have land areas from 1,545 to 12,406 square miles.  Our next 8 smallest states have land areas from 24,230 to 45,054. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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