Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Higher Pre-School Costs Ahead

Obama launches $1 bil­lion early edu­ca­tion plan, Com­men­tary by Mary Thomp­son, 3D Research Group

Here we go… offi­cial full throt­tle for the “early learn­ing” agenda, uni­ver­sal “preschool,” womb to tomb train­ing (called edu­ca­tion). All the buzz words and play­ers are on stage: Obama, Dun­can, and other “stooges” includ­ing a “local sher­iff from Ohio.” Read the excerpted por­tions of the AP story below:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Declar­ing early child­hood edu­ca­tion “one of the best invest­ments we can make,” Pres­i­dent Barack Obama on Wednes­day fol­lowed up on a promise to expand early edu­ca­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties for tens of thou­sands of chil­dren by announc­ing $1 bil­lion in public-private spend­ing on pro­grams for young learners.

Obama said that less than one-third of 4-year-olds are enrolled in preschool and blamed the high cost of these pro­grams for essen­tially shut­ting off access to poorer infants, tod­dlers and preschool­ers. He said stud­ies repeat­edly show that chil­dren who are edu­cated early in life are more likely to fin­ish their edu­ca­tions, avoid the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem, hold good jobs and have sta­ble fam­i­lies. All those fac­tors are good for the U.S. and its econ­omy over­all, Obama said

To cre­ate or expand high-quality preschool pro­grams, the Edu­ca­tion Depart­ment awarded almost $250 mil­lion in grants to 18 states. They are: Alabama, Ari­zona, Arkansas, Con­necti­cut, Hawaii, Illi­nois, Louisiana, Maine, Mary­land, Mass­a­chu­setts, Mon­tana, Nevada, New Jer­sey, New York, Rhode Island, Ten­nessee, Ver­mont and Vir­ginia. In all, 36 states had applied for the grant money.

On top of the fed­eral money is more than $330 mil­lion from dozens of cor­po­ra­tions, foun­da­tions and indi­vid­u­als. That money is part of a new cam­paign called Invest in US.The effort being led by the First Five Years Fund will chal­lenge the pri­vate and pub­lic sec­tors to spend more on early child­hood edu­ca­tion. Among those sup­port­ing the cam­paign are The Walt Dis­ney Co.with $55 mil­lion in learn­ing apps and books, the LEGO Foun­da­tion with $5 mil­lion and the J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Fam­ily Foun­da­tion with $25 million.

Vice Pres­i­dent Joe Biden closed the sum­mit by ask­ing the audi­ence to imag­ine if each of the country’s 40 mil­lion 4-year-olds had a chance to attend preschool. “This is tan­gi­ble … Every child is capa­ble of suc­ceed­ing. They just need a chance,” he said. [empha­sis added]

Note the slip of terms in this AP news arti­cle. Obama is reported to say the usual lines about the so called ben­e­fits of preschools (early learn­ing). He is reported to have stated: “Less than one third of 4 year olds are involved in preschool” and he blamed the high cost of these pro­grams for essen­tially cut­ting off access to poorer INFANTS, TODDLERS, AND PRESCHOOLERS. Note: INFANTS AND TODDLERS. Some­times the real agenda is revealed by the per­pe­tra­tors in their own slip of words. Here is what the White House reports in its “FACT SHEET: Invest in US: The White House Sum­mit on Early Child­hood Education”: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/12/10/

Make no mis­take about it, this thrust for national preschool for 4 year olds is only the toe dipped in the water for what the real agenda is. It has been spelled out in many places and many times, but here it is in no uncer­tain terms. The agenda is Early Learn­ing over­seen by public-private inter­ests begin­ning at birth… even before if other sources are tapped.

Who are the pri­vate enti­ties report­edly to “part­ner with gov­ern­ment?  Exam­ples of part­ners are: Buf­fet Early Child­hood Foun­da­tion (remem­ber War­ren Buf­fett gave his money to Bill and Malinda Gates Foun­da­tion to use as they saw fit), the Dis­ney Com­pany, United Par­cel Ser­vice. Note eigh­teen states named to receive the grants. Here is a list of the public-private part­ners from the White House website: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/12/10/

Let’s see how many of the those who con­cen­trated com­pletely on fight­ing Com­mon Core will direct as much effort toward fight­ing the cra­dle snatch­ers who just par­tic­i­pated in this U.S. Health and Human Ser­vices Con­fer­ence, 12/10/2014.


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