Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Roots of America’s Anarchy Movement

by Jack Smith
For years and years, liberal sociologists from leftists institutions whose survival lies in a constant flow of federal grants, have been milking the system to produce, unchallenged, the educated reports that the progressive politicians so desperately want. That has been the
Democrat Party. The question asked, and the result desired, was why has the black race become such a dangerous burden to American society without any social or educational achievement except in crime. Racism of course. It was the only possible answer!*
*The sociologists have said much about what has happened to the black race and asks why, among all the other races that have come to our shore, and they alone born here, have failed to assimilate or progress into American society. Most of us already know the answer: the generations of progressive social failures, are protected by the tenant
of political correctness that demands we do not speak the truth lest we should offend. It’s now long past time to offend.*
*Fifty years ago, the black race was virtually given the keys to the door of prosperity and opportunity and still, all these years later, they can’t, or won’t, unlock the door and walk in. Their failures are continually blamed on white racism and slavery. On white racism they may have a point but it’s the wrong white racists they accuse. Slavery is no longer an excuse. Not one American living today was ever either a slave or a slave holder. it’s time to move on.*
*The white racism that blacks feel comes from the political philosophy of Karl Marx who gave white liberals (progressives) their key to power. Progressivism, to exist, must have slaves and for the past sixty years American blacks have been systematically conditioned, by liberals, to
believe that their status as unskilled workers for rich white oligarchs, i.e.: slaves, are the result of white racism. They have been told theirs’ was a condition that only an enlightened government (read democrat), given continuing power by re-election, could alleviate.*
*But, you can’t be alleviated if you are hungry. “Here, we’ll feed you.” Who doesn’t want to feed the poor? “You can’t live in a shack in the woods and be happy!” “Here let us provide you free housing in the cities.” What cruel and uncaring person doesn’t want to help house the poor and homeless? But who will pay for all this generosity? “Why, the
federal government will. It has plenty of money, doesn’t it?” But, we can’t continue to help you if you don’t keep us in power! It was not until our alleged president Obama came on line, that the enslavement of the mostly white middle class began in earnest with schemes of wealth redistribution through health care reform, Federal Reserve Bank manipulations and taxes, more taxes and even more taxes.*
*Our alleged President came to office lacking skills in either
management or leadership. “No man is a leader until his appointment is ratified in the hearts and minds of his men”...Infantry Officers Manual.  Obama didn’t need them (skills) and he has stumbled continuously. His clumsy handling of foreign affairs, his record of ignoring the rule of
law and governing by fiat, his anti-American, pro-muslim policies and his contribution to his party’s devastating election losses, have caused him to accelerate his activists program of totally humbling America. The **Ferguson**and NYC killings of two black street criminals have given Obama his reason to start his desired program of civil disorder and
total control. He has two more years.*
*Like the “Orcs” in The Hobbit stories, his minions of anarchists are beginning to stir and show themselves on our streets challenging our only symbol of a civil society, our police. Remember, freedom is the goal the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (**24 Dec 2014**)* Jack Smith
Source: Dianne Devore, North Fulton & Friends Tea Party Patrons, friends and Patriots. Written by a good friend of mine from **N. Ga.**mountains, Jack Smith**: *

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