Monday, December 22, 2014

Muslim Propaganda in US Public Schools

North Carolina: Pitts Public School Parents Apoplectic Over Propaganda, Proselytizing for Islam in Class Posted on December 21, 2014 Written by Pamela Geller,
More par­ents are wak­ing up to the twisted pro­pa­ganda being taught in pub­lic schools across the coun­try. Our orga­ni­za­tion, AFDI and SIOA, is work­ing with indi­vid­ual par­ents and small groups of par­ents to remove these dis­hon­est lessons that are pros­e­ly­tiz­ing for Islam to our chil­dren and intel­lec­tu­ally dis­arm­ing them about the gravest threat to our coun­try and way of life – jihad.
In North Car­olina, one enraged par­ent made this video, which has gone viral (200,000 plus views). The out­ra­geous cur­ricu­lum has gar­nered so much atten­tion that the Pitts County School dis­trict responded:
“Our school sys­tem under­stands all con­cerns related to pros­e­ly­tiz­ing, and there is no place for it in our instruc­tion. How­ever, this par­tic­u­lar les­son was one many the stu­dents this class have had and will have that expose them to the var­i­ous reli­gions and how they shape cul­tures through­out the world.”
The schools can no longer dis­tin­guish between teach­ing and preach­ing. They are not teach­ing Islamic his­tory — the 1,400 years of jihadi wars, land appro­pri­a­tions, cul­tural anni­hi­la­tions and enslave­ment — nor its 270 mil­lion vic­tims. Instead, they are preach­ing Islam — dawah. We do not see Chris­t­ian, Jew­ish, Hindu, Bud­dhist, etc., lessons like this poison.
Par­ents in Far­mville, North Car­olina, want to know why their chil­dren were given a Com­mon Core vocab­u­lary assign­ment in an Eng­lish class that pro­moted the Prophet Muham­mad and the Islamic faith.
“It really caught me off guard,” a Far­mville Cen­tral High School stu­dent who was in the class told me. “If we are not allowed to talk about any other reli­gions in school – how is this appro­pri­ate?
The Islamic vocab­u­lary work­sheet was assigned to seniors.
In my book Stop the Islamiza­tion of Amer­ica, I describe and warn of the islamiza­tion of the cur­ricu­lum and the school­room. The book was a primer on how to fight the encroach­ing Islamic suprema­cism and sharia. The past few days, I have pub­lished news sto­ries here and here and here of parental protests over Islamic dawah in the class­room.
If you or some­one you know has a child in the pub­lic school sys­tem who is expe­ri­enc­ing this form of forced dawah, please con­tact me ( We will help you fight this indoctrination.

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