Thursday, December 25, 2014

Political Christianity

A Call to Action is for you AND your neighbor
You already take your Christian civil duties seriously. You recognize how far America has fallen from her once exemplary Christian republicanism. And you're doing what you can to reverse that: voting conscientiously, running for local office, supporting Christian legal and political movements with your money and time, teaching those around you about the history of the United States and the principles of biblical government…
It may be your neighbor who needs it. Because if every American who claimed to be a Christian were doing what you're already doing, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in. So buy this book in bulk and give it to all your politically dormant Christian friends. It's easy to read and thorough, and it just might add a few more recruits to our numbers at this very crucial time in the battle for our nation.
The US is being broken on purpose.  It began in the 1870s with Congress refusing to operate within the confines of the US Constitution, allowing the federal government to take on unconstitutional powers.  It accelerated in 1913, when Congress delegated its duty to coin money to a private national bank with powers to debase the dollar. It formed more fully in the 1930s and 1960s with the introduction of ‘social programs’ based on Marxist principles.  It will end soon in bankruptcy if we don’t stop it.
We have allowed politicians to collude to form a Fascist state of Marxists and cronies, bribed to defend this transition. The conspiracy is visible and global. UN Agenda 21 is the blueprint.  All of the 45 goals of the American Communist Party restated in 1963 have been achieved.  This is your Bolshevik moment.  It’s time to do a little internet research.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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